shoot I was supposed to send you some wasnt I.... doh!
its all good mang. i need a couple for my aerotank anyway.
shoot I was supposed to send you some wasnt I.... doh!
thats cool. where did you find that? I would love to find something like that... if it could hold a little moisture even better!picked up a new drip tip for the igo-w.
Hi that was meI think im just gonna grab one of these
it turns the kanger aerotank into a dripper. I didnt originally find it... someone here on fc posted it in another thread. I cant remember who so credit to them... but I revisited and asked if it fit the mini. he daid the threadings right it just looks odd... (I figure it looks like one of those honey stiring stick things lol)
I like yhe airflow of the mini and for now it suits me ok. so I would be down for custom areotank heads @2clicker
1 thing I noted about the new sealed heads... if you turn the shield upside down so the wick isnt exposed to the holes it doesnt leak out on the deck as much... if at all... I think I just have some residual puddle from when I installed it initally.
im already using it dripper style.
Hi that was meLemme know how you like it if you do get it, I haven't tried one myself personally as I have a few setups for oil (both for home and on the go) and my actual dripper atomizers are too small for a pancake/DBC. Plus with two drippers I don't really need the aerodripper
see I knew eventually that would get sorted out. so yes thank you. I am still trying to decide... a little bigger coil wouldnt hurt either though. the aero in drip mode is a mess cause I invert it alot to put it on glass pieces.
I think a diffrent shape coil would help too in the aero heads for dripping. I have a couple ideas, just no rba materials.
basically the pos end woud come strait up the center and then coil around itself back down for neg. with the coil inside the rxw like you have been showing was what I was thinking...that coil you posted a pic of earlier... obviously smaller to fit in the kanger heads, but if you could make a coiled coil (ha) i think that would absorb a large dab and as long as you hit the heat for a sec or two the oil will absorb into the RXW. then you are good to go upside down w/out a mess.
think about the coil fitting snuggly in the head. the lead coming off the top end could go right down the middle. basically just filling the head with wire and RXW.
http://www.dfwvapor.com/glass-driptip.htmlthats cool. where did you find that? I would love to find something like that... if it could hold a little moisture even better!
sweet thank you!
3 DBCs and rebuild kit arrived and loaded...
The extra room afforded by the set screws is very useful, but I think I am still going to end up with an aftermarket top for the igo-w very soon. Initial impression is very good, I will update after further testing.
Thanks 2clicker!!!
well, i did order a kiss globe and a 601 battery to 510 atty adapter, so im sure ill get more up tech product.i dont know if that is good or bad for them.
@matthend ,