2clicker's vapor emporium


Well-Known Member
wow so there is a huge difference between the stock igo w and the tibet!

I think i may spend the extra coin on the tibet... id like to phase out the torch.


@2clicker I would rebuild on my mini pt3 dual coil old version I just don't have any readyxwick. Also do you think a vertical coil withe ejmix juice will work in a mpt3? I am heading home but I may have you add some readyxwick in my order so I can experiment

i dont see why a vertical coil wouldnt work for ecig/ejmix use, but it may not be great for dabbing.

i am out of RXW already! i have enough for all current orders, but will need to order more. i expect to see it mon or tues.


Well-Known Member
i dont see why a vertical coil wouldnt work for ecig/ejmix use, but it may not be great for dabbing.

i am out of RXW already! i have enough for all current orders, but will need to order more. i expect to see it mon or tues.
the demand on your skills, it is high!

would stacking several of your coils be beneficial? like a stack of pancakes?

cause I think thats what I may try to do with the tibet. 3 stacked should be simple enough right?
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the demand on your skills, it is high!

would stacking several of your coils be beneficial? like a stack of pancakes?

cause I think thats what I may try to do with the tibet. 3 stacked should be simple enough right?

thats a great idea, but each one would need to be of high resistance, so with 3 combined, would be close to a normal single coil? ive never messed with duals before.

honestly i think 3 would be an overkill. 2 may be beneficial if you vape lots of oil. if you had two or three of them in there and saturated them all... whoa nelly... MONSTER dabs!


Well-Known Member
thats a great idea, but each one would need to be of high resistance, so with 3 combined, would be close to a normal single coil? ive never messed with duals before.

honestly i think 3 would be an overkill. 2 may be beneficial if you vape lots of oil. if you had two or three of them in there and saturated them all... whoa nelly... MONSTER dabs!
I think I was just trying to use all the posts on that tibet!

although it would have ample room for a pair of DBC's that could be around 3/4 inch diameter
and sit inside the posts.

does that seem absurd?


Well-Known Member
I think I was just trying to use all the posts on that tibet!

although it would have ample room for a pair of DBC's that could be around 3/4 inch diameter
and sit inside the posts.

does that seem absurd?

Yeah. Most of the time when I build a coil I only use one set of the posts. Once in a while I will add another, but it really doesnt make that much of a difference if you build the coil right.

However that tibet is pretty awesome. Wish it didnt have so many posts to take up space, but I agree with 2clicker. I been looking for a while with no center post and its pretty hard to find. I have one on order, but it doesnt look perfect.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah. Most of the time when I build a coil I only use one set of the posts. Once in a while I will add another, but it really doesnt make that much of a difference if you build the coil right.

However that tibet is pretty awesome. Wish it didnt have so many posts to take up space, but I agree with 2clicker. I been looking for a while with no center post and its pretty hard to find. I have one on order, but it doesnt look perfect.
you have a tibet on order?


for whats its worth... i was at a couple of ecig shops today and checked out some 26mm mech mods. :lol::lol::lol: i dont think i will be going 26mm anymore. shit was huge. no way you would want to carry it around in your pocket. in fact you would probably get some looks because of it. the more i think of it this could be a positive... but seriously it seems way overkill for my use.


Well-Known Member
Package came today. Any advise on the install. Basically should I unwind the wire that is around the end of the wick?


Well-Known Member
Package came today. Any advise on the install. Basically should I unwind the wire that is around the end of the wick?


That is to keep everything together and from fraying.

Just take your RDA, unscrew the posts, stick wires in, screw posts down, cut excess wire.


Got my 5 DBC today. 3 out of the 5 look good, the other two could use some work (fraying and not coiled tight). Overall pretty pleased, just need to install one on an rda tonight to see how it works.
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Package came today. Any advise on the install. Basically should I unwind the wire that is around the end of the wick?

as Gvape said, do not unwind the "crimp". it keeps everything tidy. to install you need to do some measuring. this is so the leads are long enough to allow the coil to sit on top of the posts. insert the leads into your RDAs post holes with the coil facing down. the bottom of the coil has the straight lead coming out of the center. this side should be facing up. then bend the leads at a 90 deg so that the coil sticks up and is sideways. from there you bend another 90 right next to the crimp. this should orientate your DBC so that the top is facing up. does that make sense? i need to post some pics.

you can also mount it on the side of your posts by sliding the crimp between two posts and towards the deck. it can be a pain to get the leads into the post holes that way, but not too bad.

Got my 5 DBC today. 3 out of the 5 look good, the other two could use some work (fraying and not coiled tight). Overall pretty pleased, just need to install one on an rda tonight to see how it works.

trust me they may not all look uniform, but they will all work just the same. and if you are not satisfied with one then let me know.
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Well-Known Member
Quick review of the DBC in Igo-w.

Install was super easy. Taste was great. No burnt taste at all. I think I loaded a little to much cause I was feeling a little too good last night. I will update this later after I have had more time to use it.

Thanks so much @2clicker.


Quick review of the DBC in Igo-w.

Install was super easy. Taste was great. No burnt taste at all. I think I loaded a little to much cause I was feeling a little too good last night. I will update this later after I have had more time to use it.

Thanks so much @2clicker.

yep these may help you along with your stash... not because they arent efficient tho... only because they are so fun to use.

anytime my man!
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Well-Known Member
Yeah packaging was legit. Been really busy and not even had a chance to mount one of DBCs I got.

I hope to do it this weekend and post back, but I dont even know if I will have time.


@2clicker I would rebuild on my mini pt3 dual coil old version I just don't have any readyxwick. Also do you think a vertical coil withe ejmix juice will work in a mpt3? I am heading home but I may have you add some readyxwick in my order so I can experiment

sorry forgot to reply to this. yes i think a verticle coil would work for liquids.

i have been meaning to buy a couple of the new kanger heads to experiment with. in fact ill bet the coil that @gvape posted recently in the one hitter quitter thread would work well. basically thread wire into the RXW, coil that around something very thin, and then mount that coil vertically. like the coil spring on a car sort of. as long as it coiled tight enough to fit into the coil head.

i think ill stop by a vape shop on the way home today and pick up a couple.


Well-Known Member
sorry forgot to reply to this. yes i think a verticle coil would work for liquids.

i have been meaning to buy a couple of the new kanger heads to experiment with. in fact ill bet the coil that @gvape posted recently in the one hitter quitter thread would work well. basically thread wire into the RXW, coil that around something very thin, and then mount that coil vertically. like the coil spring on a car sort of. as long as it coiled tight enough to fit into the coil head.

i think ill stop by a vape shop on the way home today and pick up a couple.
shoot I was supposed to send you some wasnt I.... doh!
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