2024 Most Reached For


Well-Known Member
My ZX was my MRF of '24 same as '23. Also the ZXL has had it's fair amount of use too.

Looking forward to my vapman click (due tomorrow!) and my ZXXL soon I hope.

Man I really love the phase3 products lol!
I connected with this hard. Love my ZX, and can't wait for my Vapman Click tomorrow also. Wish I had the money for a ZXXL as it looks phenomenal.


Big and Bouncy
  • Solo3 - dominated most of the year until the Angus Enhanced showed up and competed for time
  • Angus Enhanced - not as versatile as the S3 but the taste is next level and the capsules are awesome
  • Honorable mention: Tornado is coming in really hot at the end of the year. Once my stem arrives things could get shaken up.
  • Couchlog - I haven't purchased any new desktops so the Couchlog is still king of the hill
  • DBV baller - Super heavy hitter for sharing with guests.

Bowle 2 is on the way also so I fully expect some things to shuffle in the new year.


Well-Known Member
Most used and enjoyed, Phase3 ZX, it's clean, predictable, and very adaptable. Second place, an LSV, it has all the nice bits I like about rod heater vapes scaled to a size I enjoy.
This week I am dialing in the TRWW 14 mm Quartz Cap, lots of fun and educational.
It's a great time to be a vape user.


Well-Known Member
Most used and enjoyed, Phase3 ZX, it's clean, predictable, and very adaptable. Second place, an LSV, it has all the nice bits I like about rod heater vapes scaled to a size I enjoy.
This week I am dialing in the TRWW 14 mm Quartz Cap, lots of fun and educational.
It's a great time to be a vape user.
It's the golden age for sure. So much innovation. We have portables that can crank out tonnes of vapour now. We are being spoilt. Everytime I think we have peaked someone drops a monster of a vape.
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