Fear & Loathing in FuckCombustion
Yup, same email too. 

This is the first time I've been signed into FC, in years. Thought I'd chime in as I'm one of the sad saps who decided to throw money at this startup.
I've been attempting to contact Ardent for over forty-five days now. A half dozen voicemails, emails to Omari and Shanel, Facebook, Instagram, and lastly Twitter.
I would not be the least bit surprised if I didn't end up having to file a charge-back. Worse yet, filing a claim of fraud. It unfortunately appears as though the company is run by a group of amateurs whom are too high on their own supply.
Anyone looking to purchase products from or invest in Ardent should steer clear until they've provided a public statement.
Care to elaborate....?
I agree with @JRyan 100%. I tried voicemail,email, and social media with no response. I just needed a simple question answered!
Got an email that all units have been shipped. Tracking numbers should follow tonight... maybe.
These updates are almost comical. It amazes me how only a select few have had any success getting a response.
Something just doesn't add up.
Did anyone else get the Lift instead of a Nova? I'm going to assume their exactly the same..
Keep in mind that my NOVA just recently vaped a 1/2 oz on me. I do NOT think they are a scam or fly by night.
They are a recent start up and so have periods where they are stretched and then some. The units currently being shipped are not quite prototypes. But they are V1 and only a few tweaks from being betas. AND they are based in Massachusetts which has just legalized. I had a run of communications with them where they got back to me VERY fast. I expect that th elast month they have simply been overwhelmed.
I currently have enough meds prepped (Nova and then MBM) to last me over a 1/2 year. I did easily 40 full runs through mine before it wigged out. And it consistently gave me WTF?!? strength meds.
Given my reserve I will hold off on buying another until they release a V2. But I will be getting another. i could see them, in the future, going 2 sizes. 1 smaller and 1 larger than the current model.
Ardent (Automated Email) said:Assembly is almost complete and your unit is scheduled to ship on December 30th. We will send a tracking number and email when it does.
Did anyone else get the Lift instead of a Nova? I'm going to assume their exactly the same..
Keep in mind that my NOVA just recently vaped a 1/2 oz on me. I do NOT think they are a scam or fly by night.