Search results

  1. cawshook

    Organic Weed and Vaping

    Lets assume weed was legal where you live and you had access to both organic and inorganic weed. Price of inorganic weed is about 8.8$/g, while organic weed is about 12$/g. Both of similar quality and same strain. The only real difference is one was grown organically while the other wasn't...
  2. cawshook

    Daily tokers and Exercise

    So a long time ago I heard that when daily tokers exercise they get high off THC. The reason for that is because THC is absorbed by the fat cells, and when you burn fat you release THC into your bloodstream. This was just a theory I heard a long time ago and I've always believed it was true. I...
  3. cawshook

    Huge hit, choke, cough, little vapor

    What exactly happens when you take a huge hit, too big, so you choke and cough, but only little Vapor is exhaled? Where is the rest? Still caught in mucous in your lungs? Caught in the mucous in the throat? Combination of both? Also do you think it gets you really really high ? Worth it?
  4. cawshook

    Like New Arizer Solo+PVHE GONG+ Jar+ Spacecase ($150)

    -Solo used only once. Did the 8 hour charge. Drained some of the battery and never touched it again. It was a warranty replacement after my first solo died after 6 months. 2014 model, and runs hotter than my previous Solo. -14mm PVHE GONG (no cracks). -Small titanium Spacecase Grinder. -small...
  5. cawshook

    Concentrates on a Plane

    How risky is it to bring concentrates (QWISO) with you on a domestic flight? My friend is traveling and he (my friend) has no connections in that town. How much of a risk is he taking?
  6. cawshook

    Friend asking Advice on a Setup

    My friend is looking to buy a vaporizer. 1) High temperatures for hash. 2) Very user friendly. Press a few buttons and ur good. Big bowl would be nice. 3) 200-300$ Doesn't have to be efficient or portable, and taste doesn't have to be spectacular. Thanks for the help.
  7. cawshook

    Help Me Choose a E-Liquid/Conc. Vaporizer

    I stopped smoking like a little over a week ago using e-cigs, and now i cant go without them. I'd like to continue using e-cigs for now, whilst lowering the nicotine (im at 12mg, and going to 6 mg very soon), until i no longer crave nictone. I just ordered an Aspire Nautilus tank. This tank...
  8. cawshook

    Anyone try this website? Looking to buy this bubbler:
  9. cawshook

    The $1,000 Question

    This post is inspired by ataxian. Just to make things clear though im not asking for advice as i dont have a $1,000 to spend like that. Im creating a scenario. You have a $1,000 in ur hands to spend on vaporizers and glass. What would you buy? For me: Pinnacle pro with the watertube or an...
  10. cawshook

    Using Shrooms to Treat Anxiety/Depression

    Just wondering if anyone out there has any experience. Im about to start with a very small dose tomorrow. Enough that i dont trip, but do feel something. Side note: I know this is a forum for vaping, but ill be injesting. I imagine vaping shrooms would taste disgusting. Would it even work...
  11. cawshook


    Hey i suffer from seasonal allergy, and i heard eucalyptus can help clear the sinus. Any1 try that before?
  12. cawshook

    Ploom ModelTwo?

    Has anyone here tried this? looking to stop smoking for good and start vaporizing tobacco. Tried e-cigs with the glycerin nicotine, didnt work well. Has anyone tried the ModelTwo? It looks like thats exactly what i need, but nothing is as good as advertised, so im just looking for some help.
  13. cawshook

    Am I Being Paranoid?

    So ever since i started vaping, I started noticing the blue veins under my eyes being more pronounced. Anyone else have this problem?
  14. cawshook

    Need Help in Buying a Vaporizer

    I need a cheap vaporizer (~$100) that can work well with both hash oil, and liquid nicotine. Any suggestions?
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