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  1. P


    I think its just barbairc that they are charging prices so high for cbd wax anyone know where to get powerful cbd wax or oil ?
  2. P

    the black crusty left overs in the dab bowl peice, clean it or leave it?

    I notice there is a black build up of some sorts on my dr dabber boost. I dont know if its like ultra resin, and I should leave it there for more hits or clean it?
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    I cant find a dr dabber thread buy basically you can either press the thin 3 times or 5 times to start it. they say 3 is for a titanium piece and 5 is for ceramic can I damage my dabber by doing it 5 times if I have a metal piece?
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    is anybody worried that they have smoked concentrates?

    I look at it, it looks like a chemical blob. Im wondering, since this is new, are their health risks? Is anyone else worried that they have been dabbing with concentrates?
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    So I noticed something about smoking shatter, when I take big hits, I also get nasal drips, like a very strong vics vapor into the nose and then I spit up flem and mucus... is this a good thing or a bad thing?
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    has anyone ever eaten concentrates like shatter?

    say you have 2 grams of shatter and your in a state like Mississippi where Possession of 2-10 g carries a mandatory sentence of 4-16 years. if you were forced to eat it, would you survive? I know there might be chemicals in the concentrates that might have harmful effects
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    whats the worlds best WAX pen?

    Whats the best wax pen? The guy at the store tells me puffco but I saw this and couldnt really find anything that came with more. I heard ceramic coils are unhealthy
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    You cant trust concentrates these days

    So My friend put me on to some vape CO2 oil pens...thought they were great. bought 10 so im puffing on them, for over a month, first batch was good. then 2nd batch of 10 comes in I thought he water my oil down (keep in mind the co2 oil is from a well known company called platinum vape) so I go...
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    im in cali and im trying to find good edibles to get me high

    can anyone recommend any? None have worked, I even tried the 24 karot brownie with 1000mg in it....
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    whats the "mighty" of the oil vapes?

    I am a proud owner of a mighty vape. its its mighty nice. so now I have a co2 oil and I wanted to get the best oil vape there is, like the mighty of oil vapes. so which one is it?
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    After using a vaporizer for 3 months, I now I have a weird click in my throat when I swallow

    I bought my mighty vaporizer in jan and now in march i have a weird click in my throat when I swallow. My throat now burns when I take a hit. Im kind of getting scared and put in down. anyone else have throat problems from vaporizer? I think its because I have been taking huge draws, and there...
  12. P

    I have wasted an ounce of weed trying to get high eating it

    I followed directions after directions...I made like 3 or 4 fire still decarbing as I type this..... I eat eat and eat...not even a buzz... I have gotten high once before years ago we made brownies.... I think something is wrong with me
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    im cooking coconut oil with AVB, does this look right ?

    is this right? My mason jar is floating sideways. I put 17 grams of AVB and a couple scoops of cocobut oil
  14. P

    whats the best crack pot to buy for the oil extraction?

    Im very big on brands, for vitamins, and other electronics. I want to try oil extraction tomorrow and I want to buy a crack pot, but which one? is there one that works better then others or has a feature I should look out for?
  15. P

    3.5 grams of AVB, 3 spoons of peanut butter, 2 spoons of coconut in the microwave and me

    Well I decided to try it out. I just put 3.5 grams of AVB, 3 spoons of peanut butter, 2 spoons of coconut in the microwave for 2 minutes and strir it up. it comes out like a dip, and I am using rye finn crisps to dip it in and eat it. it doesnt taste to bad....hopefully it gets me high I have...
  16. P

    when I vape regular weed , it gives the weed smell, but when I vape high grade, it doesnt smell y?

    Ok the other day I decided to buy regular weed (the kind with sticks and stems). Now, Im 36 and I have been smoking since I was 14, that was before high grade was really around like that and all these fancy names werent around....And I have smoked regular weed thats been better then high grade...
  17. P

    I have AVB and cocobut oil, where are the directions to make something out if it that will get me hi

    I have AVB and coconut oil, someone told me to come here and ask, what can I do with AVB and coconut oil. what ever I do I want it to make me as high as possible, eat it or what ever, im not a great cook so directions on what to do thanks
  18. P

    some guy at my job smoked some THC oil with me, can I make this oil with my already been vaped weed?

    some guy at my job let me hit some kind of cigarette pen with oil in it and he said it was THC oil. It was pretty good, and I have heard that this oil can cure cancer. I have some weed thats been vaped already. Can I make oil out of this and smoke the oil and or eat the oil to fight cancer?
  19. P

    Some guy I worked smoked a cigarette electronic vaporizor with oil in the middle, is it possible for

    me to make this oil? I never smoked oil before and I think I would like to try to make it if its not to hard. I have some all ready been vaped weed
  20. P

    I have avb, i wanna cook something, is there a tutorial somewhere?

    So i been collecting this abv and i wanna cook something...cookies maybe....or what ever is stronger I been looking Around but im not good at cooking so i need some help
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