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  1. PPN

    New battery, Clover Overlord II

    Hi guys, I bought a new sub-ohm battery (the seller told me it was not yet avalaible, it's a trial batch) called the Clover Overlord II,2600mah, 510 connection but able to run from 3.3v to......8v (7W to 30W)! It's build like all cheap e-cig VV battery with a rotary dial on the bottom, no LED...
  2. PPN

    Discontinued Herbstick Deluxe

    Hi guys, I choosed to open this thread since the new vaporizer from CigGo is a completly new unit, totally different than the previous model. I got a review unit and I'm still impressed after 2 weeks of use, you get really nice clouds and taste at low temp, oven size is perfect for me and you...
  3. PPN

    I'm looking for a 3 in 1 vape for a friend....

    I have a very good friend who is a big cig smoker, sometime he enjoy mj and vaping... I would like to give it a gift and I think about a pen vape able to do e-liquid, flowers and concentrates since he told me to think about to switch to e-cig.... I know the better is the W9 gear but I can't...
  4. PPN

    Pen Pluto vaporizer

    Hm, hm, there is something new but not really, a pen vape called Pluto:lol:! I saw it on Alibaba: I thought it was a rebranded I-mag or X-mas but it seems a bit different with only 2 t° settings...
  5. PPN

    How a strain can produce so much vapor!?

    Hi Friends, I get a very dense and sticky Cheese skunk which seems to never stop to produce vapor (I exagerate a bit...) after only a 2 months air curing! Especially with my Nano I can take at least 15 milky hits from a less than 0.1 load where most others strains give me 5 big hits and 5...
  6. PPN

    Alfa vaporizer

    Salut à vous, un nouveau vapo fabriqué à Dublin par une boîte appelé Gooboff viens de voir le jour, j'ai reçu un exemplaire récemment et il a toutes les qualités d'un Pax en mieux.....beaucoup mieux! Le site du fabriquant: Il est super petit et compact, rien ne dépasse, la...
  7. PPN

    How to cancel an e-bay sale?

    Hi, I clicked accidentally the "buy now" button on an e-bay sale, I received yesterday an e-mail from e-bay asking to me to finalize it and to pay it. Please, how to cancel my mistake? Is it a problem if I make nothing and let the transaction die itself? Thanks for your help!
  8. PPN

    Pen Imag Plus

    Hi, I open this thread cause I received a test unit of the new version of the I-mag called the I-mag+, I never tried the first version but this pen vaporizer impress me! Size & design: it's like a big e-cig (I get the blue cobalt), bigger than my 05 and Xp but smaller than my T-Vape(short...
  9. PPN

    Vaping O.... ?

    I would like to know if somebody here get informations about the process to vape this particular substance made from papaver somniferum (not made from a dry dead plant...). Please don't write the real word here cause I don't want google search leads here! I believe vaporization t° is up to...
  10. PPN

    Daisy vaporizer, "ordre, luxe et beauté"

    Un nouveau vaporisateur vient de voir le jour, le Daisy de Triihouse (USA), c'est un vapo à flamme (torche) considéré comme portable mais je le vois plutôt comme un vapo de salon à flamme (vu sa taille on ne peut pas le mettre dans sa poche!). Le principe est simple...
  11. PPN

    Can I pair my TV evo with a PerseÏ body?

    Hi Guys, I want to know if a PerseÏ can handle the TV evo, my evo is a SV 6V-20W, I know the PerseÏ can work at 6V but I'm not sure there is enough Watt to drive it? I know that I need an adaptater.
  12. PPN

    Vaporite micro

    Hi guys, I know Vaporite is not a nice brand of vapes but I never heard about this one: There is not lot of infos about it..... 4 t° settings.... Somebody knows more about it?
  13. PPN

    I decide to stop to buy cheap chinese vapes!

    Since 1 and 1/2 years I started to vape I bought several vapes built in China, all of them are dead in some months or less . My chinese vapes journey: - Vegavape: e-cig which combust, dead in 3 weeks - Noble Vapor VP600: desktop vape, not precise, lot of cheap parts I don't own it anymore...
  14. PPN

    Mods a cheap bulb vapes to make a e-nail...

    Hi Guys i already posted about my last try, I own a cheap bulb vaporizer (àla BC vape), I dismantled the stainless steel cup and put at the same place the threading of my DYD Ti-nail with the nail itself (without counterweight). Without any other mod I powered on and waited 5mn, I tried first a...
  15. PPN

    double bowl adaptater

    Hi, I'm in Europe and I'm looking for something like that: I prefer to get it in 18mm but 14mm could be considered, in fact I want it to built my DIY e-nail into.... Thanks
  16. PPN

    Build a kind of E-nail from a cheap BC vaporizer?

    I got a sort of BC vaporizer (it was my first vape but it didn't convert me to vapor, HA did it), I thought this kind of vape is built as an e-nail, it's full conduction and the heating element is the SS cup.... So I'm thinking to try to find a way to add power to be able to use it as a nail...
  17. PPN

    Titan vaporizer

    I just saw a vaporizer called the Titan on Alibaba, I don't want to post the link since I don't know anything about it.... It seems a little bit better than the dry herb ey-cigs that they sold everywhere, and it doesn't seems to me tthat it's a counterfeit of another vape (or idk it). It seems...
  18. PPN

    Soaking BHO extraction?

    Hi Guys, I would try to do bho extraction from kief with soaking method since I need 5 runs to extract all the goodies from my kief. I remenber to read somewhere that a soaking method with a thermos is possible, do you already try it? Do you have any info or link about the process, please?
  19. PPN

    Discontinued Elevape SV

    Hi Guys, I just saw this on Vapornation What do you think of this vape? Do you have more info? the maker is I-Puff, I don't know it.... Price range is a little bit expensive, I want to know more about it I'm looking at the picture closer...
  20. PPN

    The All-glass airpath obsession...

    I noticed that several news vapes are claiming that a all glass airpath = purity of flavors but we can see that some of the better vapes in the market are not compound of glass at all, for example the HA 2.2 which taste really good for the price, the Sublimator, e_nano,...(I think the water...
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