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  1. 2clicker

    the Michael Brown thread

    as im sure most of you have heard of the situation in St Louis/Ferguson MO where an innocent unarmed 18 y/old african american man was shot in the back by a policeman while he was running away. rumors so far say that MB and his friend were walking in the middle of the street. the patrolman...
  2. 2clicker

    flashlight adapter w/ 510 connection for stealth

    check this out! looks like we can finally turn our oil mods into flashlights for travel. and only $7... i may bite
  3. 2clicker


    is the act of vaping while pooping... discuss
  4. 2clicker

    any graphic artists on board?

    i have been a practicing self taught graphic designer for about the last 8 years, but lately have only been designing in my free time lately. anyway, i am going to start designing a lot more and have questions for the more seasoned designers. so here we go. what design software are you using...
  5. 2clicker

    POST #3000!

    i have "made it"... :wave:
  6. 2clicker

    Dart loading top for TV Dart

    only looking for a dart loading top for a ThermoVape Dart. will buy or trade. please let me know if you have any and thanks!
  7. 2clicker

    UFOs from ThermoVape products

    anyone have any UFOs from any of their old TV stuff? these are the little SS inserts used on evolution heat shields and some TV mouthpieces. if so i would be interested. thanks! *EDIT* found what i was looking for. mods please do whatcha gotta do.
  8. 2clicker

    Herb Preserve stash containers anyone using these? a friend of mine swears by them. he has even started storing food in them because he believes in them so much. same glass the egyptions used to preserve things. discuss!
  9. 2clicker

    how to use Kanger tanks for "dabbing" essential oils

    so one day when taking apart a Kanger ProTank coil head it hit me that when the top tube part is removed from the head, that it sure looks a helluva a lot like all those ceramic cup atomizers out there. except SS. atomizers like BHOLT or those glass globe attys for example. anyway, i was...
  10. 2clicker

    ice extraction vs solvent extraction

    i have been considering trying to do an ice/bubble run to extract and then winterize that return in ethanol. doing so to eliminate having to use solvent for the main extraction. so some questions for the members who have experience with both... will an ice/bubble extraction yield the same...
  11. 2clicker

    Tek Evaporation Chamber - build thread

    i am going to be building an evaporation chamber soon and wanted to start a thread about it. basically i am upping my production standards and will be eliminating heat from my evaporation stage (ethanol evap), but do not want to gain evap time by doing so. so my solution is to build a small...
  12. 2clicker

    Mean Skreenz

    has anyone used these? they sound great. i hate using coffee filters. currently i filter first with a gold tone coffee filter, then filter again through an unbleached coffee filter. i hate losing oil to the paper filter absorbing so much. thoughts?
  13. 2clicker

    NoGoo Deep Dish and Plate

    anyone used either of these? im curious if one could evap directly out of one of these and then just bend it to retrieve the oil after evap....? im still using razors in a pyrex dish. this would be much easier for me as i always produce shatter...
  14. 2clicker

    ThermoVape LV Dart Kit... w/ cells & charger

    *EDIT* SOLD! here you have a ThermoVape Revolution Dart of the LV variety w/ a T1 base equipped with the Evolution interface top all in black. this kit also has three AW 17670 protected cells (still working and charging great) and a wall charger to keep them charged. The Darts ceramic disc...
  15. 2clicker

    MLB baseball playoff thread - 2013 edition

    title says it all. with the cardinals about to wrap up the central division title i sorta felt it was necessary to post this... ok so who is your team and what are your predictions? with the season ending in less than a week we will have our division series matchups. AAAAAND go!
  16. 2clicker

    computer... load up Celery Man please

    now Tayne i can get into brilliant
  17. 2clicker

    ThermoVape Evolution LV modded cart - super Evo - no sleeve

    what we have here is a ThermoVape LV Evo modded by TV to run hotter than normal. these were being made by TV for a short time only before the release of the Cera. the bottom contact does not have the "LV" engraved into it, but it is indeed an LV Evo. this Evo was converted to be used w/out...
  18. 2clicker

    ThermoVape Revolution kit - no cells or charger

    you are looking at a ThermoVape Revolution kit (T1 base, Rev interface, Rev cart (barely used), and generic 510 mouthpiece) in great condition. notice the ceramic on this Rev is still very white. it was only used once (one dab) and has been shelved since. no cells or charger are included in...
  19. 2clicker

    Scales... what are you using? which scales are accurate? digi or analog?

    so im in the market for a new scale. preferably something that can measure down to .01g min. and i dont mind spending a little more if it means a quality scale. all these $20-$30 pockets scales are ok, but kinda cheap and too small. so what are you using? what brands do you like?
  20. 2clicker

    Solo Stealth Adapter from PV

    does anyone have a Solo Stealth Adapter? the one that is in this link: they dont seem to ever be available so i was hoping to find someone here that has one, but does not use it... any luck? i wonder how hard it would be to get a glass...
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