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  1. 2clicker

    tornatos sweep through St. Louis

    just minutes ago and within less than 4 miles from my house :o cars over turned, houses destroyed, even deaths... wow sounds even worse in Arkansas im very lucky CNN seems to be covering it nationally
  2. 2clicker

    strain labeled B.H.... what is it?

    so recently my local dispensary got in a large batch of a strain labeled B.H., but they do not know what it stands for does anyone have a clue? ive looked through strain lists and have seen a few possibles, but not sure something haze? banana haze? anyway, just curious if anyone is...
  3. 2clicker

    any other scratch heads or djs here? or just musicians in general?

    one of my many hobbies is music. i do all my production on a MacBookPro i7 running Reason 5 w/ Record 1.5 for my DAW. Record 1.5 is amazing btw ;) my sounds come from M-Audio Axiom Pro w/ Reason5 and a Numark TTX (or tech1200) both of which are run through my Rane TTM56 skratch mixer. ive...
  4. 2clicker

    anyone else been having trouble with the Aqua Lab Technologies site?

    for real :( anyone else?
  5. 2clicker

    is there a bottleneck in my whip/wand setup?

    ive recently purchased a tube to hook up to my vape and its great, but i think there is a bottleneck in my whip/wand setup that is restricting me from really chalking this tube. i would love to hear what any of you may think. im using a 14MM GonG water pipe attachment with the tubing that...
  6. 2clicker

    ground glass adapter for tube downstem... what are options?

    im looking for a GG adapter for the downstem on a bong. i know i can get the adapters from 7th Floor, but those are at a 90deg and id prefer something short and straight. anyone know of any other options and where to get them? Modnote: Try this search. :)
  7. 2clicker

    looking for a tube and need help

    ok so now i wanna try a tube with my vape and ive narrowed down my selection. what im looking for is no more than 100bux, is no taller than 12", preferably a beaker w/ ice dimps, quality glass... a quality name. im def not looking for anything too elaborate as ive tried to streamline my...
  8. 2clicker

    ways to use wand hash

    i just took 2 rips from my sherlock bubbler of the wand hash i scraped from the other day... holy shit it hits hard. the second hit i lit it and the whole chunck was a flame, as i drew from that it chalked the bubbler very quickly and almost killed me. from now on ill have to hit it much...
  9. 2clicker

    is there a high temp, food grade glue available...

    that i could use to repair the glass parts of my vaporizer...? gotta be able to withstand up to 500deg, and be food safe. anyone? thanks!
  10. 2clicker

    since vaping exclusively...

    i cant even stand the taste of combusting shrubs. for real... i broke my heater cover on my vape today and im vapeless for the time being. needless to say ive been combusting since that happened and it is not tasting good. serially i cant believe how bad it tastes... i cant believe that i...
  11. 2clicker

    any NHL fans here?

    just curious
  12. 2clicker

    using iso to clean heater cover

    basically ive now blown a bowl full into the heater/cover of my DBV since ive had it. both times the smoke from the plant material burning causes a brown buildup and a smell. i just want to remover everything from the heater cover so it does not affect the taste in the future. so my question...
  13. 2clicker

    what screen or mesh size to use for kief collection?

    ive been checking numerous sites trying to find what mesh/wire size that the MFGs use in their boxes and grinders, but cant seem to find a "range" or whatever i know a finer screen can produce a more potent kief, but what size is that exactly...? anyone know?
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