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  1. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Go easy on a few of the first bowls to start with and keep checking the bowl for colour change as you stir between draws... I combusted one bowl good and proper one time each in both the stem and WPA learning, but that's all really... very rarely get the odd spec of charring but only once in a...
  2. Gray Area

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Yay... UK shipping has come down to a realistic level too... oh dear :brow:
  3. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    I had exactly the same problem with stirring until I discovered a little trick I'll share with you ;) Stick your thumb over the bowl after sticking the stir stick in and stir it at an angle while your thumbs still covering the bowl. Works a treat :tup:
  4. Gray Area

    Penny Dreadful Fans

    I've just started watching this myself... not too bad at all :tup: Looking foprward to the rest...
  5. Gray Area

    Buying Portable Vape, Need Your Expertise

    Yeah, I prefer a standard bubbler over my PNWT evry time... the only time I use it is if I'm watching a movie or something with the wife (as it's quieter).
  6. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    It was... changed very recently... Don't think there's a solution for us UK users yet though mate, chances are with postege and (potential) customs charges you'd have been better off buying one anyway.
  7. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    It does! The one I got with my Lotus had been working so well I bought another the same. Good purge and fill technique's all that's required imo. The one @Pipes posted does look sweet though (if it works well) :D And that bubbler you have looks just perfect (line of sight etc) for the Lotus...
  8. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Yeah, that lighter does look nice... just been sticking with the Honest's up to now, but I might look into this one.
  9. Gray Area

    Buying Portable Vape, Need Your Expertise

    You can just stick a ss screen in the stem to cover the four holes... Tha'll stop any debris.
  10. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Iirc the fix was to remove battery pack, plug in PA then replace battery... I'm sure @exit will confirm/correct me anyway.
  11. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    @ataxian I agree. I haven't mixed tobacco with cannabis for about 8 years now. Why spoil a good thing? The Lotus is my favourite vape for hash (bubble or imported) by a long way. I like it on a bed of flowers myself - so much nicer than cotton. That bubbler you have with the blue fritted...
  12. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    The mixing with tobacco comes originally from the fact that most cannabis in Western Europe for many many years was hashish. Try to roll a neat joint with sticky Indian or Moroccan hash... Pipe smoking has never really been a thing in EU. This just naturally transferred to weed when you got to...
  13. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    I made the bowl in my WPA smaller by adding a domed screen (solo stem style) and then flattened the domed part a bit until the screen was level, but higher than the original screen (if that makes sense)...
  14. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    All the info you need:
  15. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Yeah, good call. I'd forgotten about that aromatherapy bowl thingy they give you. On a side note I spoke too soon about having to wait for my @Pipes stand. It arrived today. Six days to the UK :rockon: pretty fast in my book. Great bit if kit, so nice to be able to stand to solo up while...
  16. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Great stuff, been looking for these numbers as I'm about to get a UK glass blower to make me a GonG or two. I'm quite surprised how small the size range is - guess best to aim for 14.5mm OD. I wonder if they're blown into a 15mm hole then with cooling you might loose half a mm..? I'm going to...
  17. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Thanks, that means a lot (to me anyway). Gpong is good (maybe the screen could be better executed). But a big improvement. I'm on top if cleaning my unit always, but find there's little to no build up of gunk on the collar to clean anymore. Maybe next thing to look at is the battery...
  18. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Mine will turn off if I remove the jack from the bottom of the solo while the PA is still plugged in and on. If I switch the power off on the PA before unplugging the jack from the bottom of the solo it will switch to battery...
  19. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Then I don't understand what you mean by "you haven't been selling the Gpong's" :shrug: I do get enjoyment from my PnP. I've never criticised the unit ever. It does what it's meant to in a form factor that nobody can compete with yet. Just you alienated/lost a lot of customers over the Gpong...
  20. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I bought mine from who has been selling them for a while now. Not as long as TYYK And really, what difference does it make, or are you saying you sent these suppliers Gpong's FOC and THEY'RE selling them to us..?
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