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  1. Gray Area

    Exotic Wood Blanks for Heirloom Quality Custom Log Vapes & Vapor Stems

    Stunning. Anyone else see faces in the Camphor Burl when they look at it?
  2. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Here's my plate:
  3. Gray Area

    Exotic Wood Blanks for Heirloom Quality Custom Log Vapes & Vapor Stems

    :brow: That would be me... :rofl: Couldn't resist it, sorry ;) Well, got my nano blank and now stem blank both sitting packed waiting to ship to Andy/Ed. Have to say thanks to @Snappo who answered all of my questions quickly and clearly and helped making my selection painless and easy. If...
  4. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    I'll post pic of my (old style) plate later... no cracks but it's developing some gnarley ridges and the like...
  5. Gray Area

    JoDa Glassworks

    There you go then, leave the walnut to get battered at the shop, and a nice new exotic for home ;)
  6. Gray Area

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Who knows :shrug: It should be from the ground joint... the length that's actually in your bubbler, but may be worth checking with the seller..?
  7. Gray Area

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    The 14mm by 14mm bit means it has a 14mm female joint for bowl/gong and fits also into a 14mm joint in the bong... I assume the 4.0" bit means it's four inches long.
  8. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    I'm always coughing :rofl:
  9. Gray Area

    Exotic Wood Blanks for Heirloom Quality Custom Log Vapes & Vapor Stems

    @FlyingLow I'd leave it the way around it is too. Lovely piece, the patterning reminds me of a tree as it is now. You'll have to post a pic of the finished piece when it's done... Love the Amboyna Burl :love:Have decided to treat myself to an e nano next month, so I'm thinking an exotic might...
  10. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    I know, ridiculous really. Been waiting so long for Vapefiend to get some back in stock the UK that I'm looking to get some made locally from stock straight stems. However my makeshift 18mm gong is as follows... Ingredients :science:: 1 x 14mm >18mm adapter. 1 x straight solo stem (cut to...
  11. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    ^^^ Oh dear... Simple Gpong glass airpath extension... 14>18 adapter into an 18>14 reducer:
  12. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    The Lotus is my favorite vape for bubble, although I usually have it on a bed of flowers and mix it in when it starts bubbling... I guess a couple of fine screens would do the trick with hash alone (full melt might be an issue).
  13. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    I hadn't, but it's all I can see when I look at these pictures now :D
  14. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Wouldn't have thought the receipt will be a problem. If you know the dates/card details you paid on etc... I've never needed anything like that tbh. You not have the old email order confirmations etc..? Packaging I'd just bubble wrap it and stick it in a t-bag box or something ;)He'll only want...
  15. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    Gave my MFLB away too. As my first it put me off vapes for a few years that did lol. Then I got a Solo...
  16. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Ambient room/air temp seems to play a part here. I use my PnP as my "out and about" vape and know it takes a lot longer to reach temp in the middle if winter compared to in the summertime. Extremes I know, but you see what I mean...
  17. Gray Area

    Arizer Solo

    @Spaceboy open a ticket on vapefiend a website. He'll deal with any warranty probs and you'll have a new unit within a couple of days (assuming they're in stock). Top notch service and (more importantly) after sales support from Vapefiend if you're in the UK.
  18. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Ok, doesn't heating superglue turn it into some sort of gas that then solidifies again when I cools?? Can't check on my way to work. Ultimately the ONLY advice you'll get from members of this forum is to not use it and dispose of the MP. The answers to your specific Q's are in the post above...
  19. Gray Area

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    One day.... Hopefully a long time in the future... you'll wish you listened, and was nicer, to that friendly person on the FC forum who was trying to stop you doing something ridiculously stupid, and potentially very bad for your health. Hope I'm proven wrong, but with that attitude I doubt...
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