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  1. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    thanks for the help
  2. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    i would love to know what kind of adapter i need to use the e-nano in my car. im not very good with electronics and worry that i might get the wrong one and mess up my e-nano or waste cash. anyone have experience with a specific model?
  3. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    benz? :shrug:
  4. Rrose Selavy

    Colie Glass

    has anyone paid with paypal? im curious because on the artfire store it says check or money order. im sure its fine i just prefer to use paypal when possible. colie glass seems very nice :rockon:
  5. Rrose Selavy

    Smallest quality desktop vape?

    love my e-nano as well i agree the HI seems awesome but there is a wait list... i am waiting on one for myself. all are good options. e-nano heats up in 2 and i think the HI heats up in 5 so they will be quicker but is seems like the twig heats faster than i thought. i think you will be happy...
  6. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    good point shred i will try to contact grav labs EDIT: though i think the easiest solution would be to ask andy to make me a custom gong if possible. i will let you guys know when i get an answer from andy
  7. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    cant find one online and dont no any glass blowers. if there is an easy solution i will pick up the piece but if not its no big deal
  8. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    very nice mvapes might have to add one to my collection soon :brow:
  9. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    hi andy sent an email already but figured i would post it here incase anyone else has the same question. would you be able to make an 10mm all glass gong? just saw this cool grav labs upline bubbler (pretty cool and affordable), unfortunately it has a 10mm joint so im not sure if and how i...
  10. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued The Liquidizer Herb2Vapor System - Safety Butane Extractor & Mini-vaporizer

    so you add the ejuice to use the ejvape. do you need to add ejuice if you want to do dabs? or is it all ready to go
  11. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    good to hear Your Highness! cant wait to see...make sure to post pics when that baby arrives :spliff:
  12. Rrose Selavy


    yea im not sure why being able to toggle between conduction and convection would even be beneficial. super confused
  13. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    nice mvapes i always wondered if anyone vaped through recyclers. do you get nice diffusion or is it really better for dabs?
  14. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    very cool Alan never stop modifying
  15. Rrose Selavy

    Morgan Spurlock, Bud and CNN.....

    patiently waiting for it to start :popcorn:
  16. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    i removed the screen every time i cleaned my mp and still had flaking
  17. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    thanks a lot!
  18. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    that i understand but can the stock v2.5 work with the 3.7v hercules? or would i need extras to make it compatible
  19. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    thanks THC and i know this has been answered before but im still confused. can the stock omicron v2.5 be used with the 3.7v hercules or does it not work with IMR 14650 batteries?
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