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  1. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    I get sad when I see vapor leaking; it's like dollar signs disapating into the air. I did just what you suggested. I called Vapir, and their sending me a new single person adaptor piece. Besides for that minor issue, the Rise is hitting like a champ. One question: How often do you change...
  2. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    I have the Rise 2.0. The unit goes up to 420F but was fitted with the old bagging system that was vertically mounted on a bag adaptor and a on/off valve. I was satisfied with that set up, but I assume the on/off bar will break more sooner than later; therefore, Vapir discontiued that bagging...
  3. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    I tried out the new system of bag filling, and the single person adaptor for the whip is leaking vapor. I think more vapor is going into the air than is going into my bag. I'm not going to jump on the "I hate Vapir" band wagon. I'm not going to talk about how much money I wasted. I am going to...
  4. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    Not crazy about that new bagging system. I wasn't crazy about the old system either, but it was better than the new. When I look back, I regret buying the Rise. I remember debating between the Rise and the HA. I think I made the wrong choice.
  5. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Has anyone used the NO2 without the stem/wand? I tried it several times at 345; it was hot but acceptable, and while I may be fooling myself, I think it may get me a bit more medicated. I know the stem gets oil on it after several sessions, and if you do away with the stem your absorbing the...
  6. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    Get a small chicken/turkey bag. Set the temp at maximum; it's incredible. It hits you hard and fast. If you use the right herb it's almost "one hit quit."
  7. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    Outstanding: The nice part is you bought no parts; all came with the Rise out of the package. I would have never come up with that idea...Thank you. If you have any other ideas on how to make the Rise more user friendley or efficient; hit us up.
  8. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    Nice. Do you feel confident the cable tie is secure enough? Also, is the bag your using a turkey bag or a tappered vapor specific bag.
  9. R - Your Online Vaporizer SuperStore

    Too big; lost that personal touch. I think I'm willing to pay that extra 20% for personal touch.
  10. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    JN-Keep us in the loop. I'm a bit slow and am not 100% sure how you're going to work it, but if it works, show us what you did.
  11. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    If anyone has an idea...Can you suggest a way to reduce the opening of a turkey bag to accomadate the new type of adaptor. Vapir new system relies on the OEM whip to fill their bag; there seems to be a small tube attached to their new bags that accomadates the whip. I would like to take a...
  12. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    Within a few years the Rise has gone from the original to the 2.0 now they have an ultimate. The ultimate has a different bagging system, thus making my bagging system (2.0) obsolete. I understand they want to make the unit as user friendly as possible, but, now I have to buy their OEM bags...
  13. R - All Things Vapor (formerly

    I'm thinking about buying from VapeWorld, for now on, just because they are so friendly.
  14. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    Yet, it's not one of your vaporizers of choice. What is the criteria for chosing one over another: I use my solo over my NO2 if I'm vaping in one room relaxing; if I'm walking around the house or property (cleaning or gardening) it's the NO2. I notice your SSV is your go to desk top. Is it...
  15. R

    Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer

    A quick question: Why doesn't the Vapir Rise v2 get more love?
  16. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    They should have asked us before they came out with the NO2 V2. I would have liked to see them jack the heat up to 420F and make a bullet that slips into heating chamber for oils and such; I would have pulled the trigger for that version. As it stands, I will wait for my NO2 V1 to die than...
  17. R

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I try to inhale softly like I inhale with the solo. I'll be more cognative about my inhalation speed. Thank for the feedback.
  18. R

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I purchased 4 batteries from a reputable dealer (Vapor Nation), and was wondering how long does it take new batteries (new glyph types) to work great. My first go with new herbs hits great if I hold the battery in for 5 sec and inhale 15 sec. In order to get a decient hit after the initial...
  19. R - Your Online Vaporizer SuperStore

    Ordered a Vapir Rise from VN; cancelled it before it was sent because it was supposed to be a gift. There may be a 15% restocking fee (didn't know about this). Originally, I called in my order and tryed to use a gift card which didn't work. They called me back and asked if they can put the...
  20. R

    Why...I need to vent

    If you folks are trying to make me envious, you're doing a good job.
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