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  1. R


    I see, with your modifications, that you were able to make the vapor pathway longer; thus, you get cooler smoother hits. I see that your stem is flexible or glass; thus, giving you a bird's eye view of the bowl making the heat application easier. What I don't have a clue about is the...
  2. R


    Egzoset- Your "preferred configuration" is very similar to the bronze sherlock. I had my eye on the VG bronze piece for some time. I'm not sure if i can justify paying $90 for it. Does your retrofitted counfiguration hit better than the VG classic or is your design simply aesthetic? If your...
  3. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Rude Boy- Can you use concentrates using the bullet? Do you find it easier using the bullet? Do you always use the bullet? Vaporist- Thank you...I have several screens left from when I bought my no2.
  4. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    This may have been spoken of in previous posts, but I can't seem to find it. I was able to fit a 1/2 ss screen in the top of my no2, and it fits better than the original screen. I don't know if it has been tried before and if it's bad to use a flat screen? If it's a good fit, will I be able...
  5. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    I don't know what happened...This vape was banging at 400 the last few days: It was giving me darker abv than my solo. I think I had some preconceived opinions of this vaporizer after I bought it. I gave it some time; learned what it likes, and I was rewarded. I'm glad I stuck with it. My new...
  6. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    I have to drive in a few hours. I'll have some tonight.
  7. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Is there any way to test the temperture of the NO2: When it says the unit is at 400 degrees that is the actually temperature. I had a vapolution, and I set it at 12 o'clock and the temperature the manufacturer said it would be was spot on. I used a fryer thermometer. The fryer thermometer...
  8. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    I have always judged the doneness of a vapped bowl by the color of the abv: I always thought the darker the abv the better. I have never considerered your point, but I will. My abv is darker from my solo set on 5 than my no2 on 400 degress F. Is your abv from your no2 golden light brown.
  9. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    I'm scared to post a back to back post. I've been to fundemental christian sites that are not so strict with keeping the letter of the forum laws. The last thing I want to do is be excommunicated from FC (I wonder if I can use the "F" word in my posts). Of course, that's simply IMVHO (I had to...
  10. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    I did a test with my extreme: I vaped at 400 and then at 410 and there was no visable difference. I would assume this is why my solo cost almost double the price. I still love the no2: I can put it in my back pocket and do yard work, carry it around the house, drop it in my walker or wheel...
  11. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Thank you for your suggestion, but it's a brand new unit.
  12. R

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    When I use my no2 at its highest setting (400) the herbs are not as spent as when I use my solo on 7. I can actually revape the already vaped herb (avh) from the no2 in my solo and get vapor. Is there any way to get the no2 to not leave so much left overs? Is this something I have to live with...
  13. R

    Arizer Solo

    This may have been asked before...Has anyone noticed that their Solo gets hotter when you use different stems. My straight stem lets my solo run the coolist, my curved stem makes my solo run a bit hotter, my wood stem makes it run super hot. Both glass stems are original.
  14. R


    I only have to heat the VG up for 3-5 seconds. I don't even feel the building of the vapors in my chest on the initial draws because they're so fast and cool . Start slow only heating the herbs 3-5 seconds; each time remove the heat (the torch lighter), continue to inhale. Until you can't...
  15. R - Canada's Destination for the Best Vapes on the Planet

    They should just have FC members email planet vape (PV) with their screen name, and ask for a one time use discount code. I just emailed PV for a discount code for a Herbal Aire.
  16. R


    I love my classic VG. I use it with a torch lighter (heats up faster; so, I get less out of breath, and the metal coil seems to not conduct heat to my fingers and lips as quickly). OF mentioned the uniqueness of the bronze pipe. I want one, but I'm having a problem justifying $90. Plus, my...
  17. R

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Ed's Tnt: I just wanted to touch base with you. I was able to resolve the problem with the Solo over heating. I first sanded the metal on the stem to take out any machining marks, thus, making it slide better into the vaporization unit. I than stretched out the o ring so the wood stem can...
  18. R

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    I would suggest you contact an attorney to file your paper work; it will save you alot of paper work and head aches. It shouldn't cost very much, and you will have that peace of mind.
  19. R

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    ED's TnT That's an outstanding etching to identify the stem as an original. You may want to register that as your trademark (so people wont steal that also). Something as simple as a stamp of authenticity gives the consumer a piece of mind knowing they got an original.
  20. R

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    I start at four, until my vapors get weak, and then I finish on a seven. I have MS; therefore, the vapors extracted at a high temp really makes my spastic legs feel great. My sessions, most of the time, are about 17 minutes (The time to burn an incense stick). PS: This is a very responsive...
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