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  1. MotoPsycho

    Vaping with Pets

    Yeah, im pretty sure its almost impossible to OD a dog with vapor, unless you were deliberately trying. It would take 25+hits(which would be cruel, and you shouldn't do). He would fall asleep before that. But the nature of edibles can get the dog so sedated he will stop breathing if he ate...
  2. MotoPsycho

    Invisible vapor?

    Any one ever use a flashlight while vaping? I have started doing it a lot of the time with my pa40 (468 lumens). It turns even the really wispy looking clouds a nice visible blue. I love watching the streams of vapor slowly drifting through the lightbeam:drool: . This helps me know when my herb...
  3. MotoPsycho

    Vaping with Pets

    I have two german shepherds mixes, which I love very much. Both of them have gotten into my abv before (2 separate occasions). At first I thought they had eaten poisonous mushrooms. They couldn't keep their balance or hold their pee, and were trembling like nothing ive seen before. I was so...
  4. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I would say check to make sure the knob and heater cover are secure and don't have any free play. My knob on mine has gotten pretty loose:uhoh:... I guess make sure the heater element isn't obviously crooked. These are the only things I can think to look for..
  5. MotoPsycho

    So how long do you keep your vapor in?

    It depends on the quality for me. I sometimes hold my SSV hits for a minute or more, if I'm vaping high quality, or trying to conserve my dwindling supply.
  6. MotoPsycho

    Christmas giveaway! MFLB

    Merry vapemas to all! :rockon:
  7. MotoPsycho

    Christmas giveaway! MFLB

    Merry vapemas to all!
  8. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I feel (IMO) like unless you are wrapping it too tight to bend it where it comes out of the housing it should be fine. The ssv has a very thick durable cord, compared to my other vapes at least.
  9. MotoPsycho

    Christmas giveaway! MFLB

    Merry Vapemas to all!:science: Thank you deadshort for the generous christmas spirit!
  10. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Looks good Mendo:clap: . What kind of paint is that?
  11. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    lol I didn't, I just keep it running without the base;). Mine never gets turned off. Its a little tipsy, but works the same.
  12. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Thanks, I sprayed it with a black base coat, then dabbed the blue on there, and followed with lots of clear. I didn't use the webbing spray that boldt used, I wanted to do something different. Props to boldtvapor for the inspiration though:rockon: .
  13. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I too painted my base recently. I was impatient though, and put it back on after only about 2 days of drying:doh: . I don't think it was near done curing because I was tasting it in the vapor. The paint wasn't as great as I had hoped for, so I sanded it down and sprayed it a second time. This...
  14. MotoPsycho

    Steele Concept Christmas Contest - FREE GIVEAWAY

    I think I'm going to go with home alone
  15. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I agree i found them to be quite helpful on the phone, much better than emailing them.
  16. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Damn Boldt, thats a lot of character picks:o ! I just have the frog and the dolphin( gf ordered). That skull jar is sweet ..
  17. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I like putting small pieces in and breaking it up real fine with a poker. And you can stop the bud flinging by sticking your middle finger in the wand hole while you stir with your index and thumb. That way all of the kief is in your wand.
  18. MotoPsycho

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Very excited to see these WonGs finally. Please do consider making a 14 mm , I will definitely be purchasing one if you do:tup: .
  19. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    It really depends on what you want. The MFLB and PD (i hear) are some of the most efficient vapes. The ssv requires a larger bowl size, thus delivering much thicker hits, while not potentially being as efficient. The ssv can be efficient, but it encourages you to load more to get the most...
  20. MotoPsycho

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I too was wondring about this heater cover. Looks badass, I am curious how well it performs. Let us know what you think,if you do you get it.. I don't know anything about the stand though:\
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