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  1. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    I saw it at liberation day in Amsterdam a couple of weeks later, and haven't heard about that prototype since then. Bought some materials to make my own prototype, but haven't got any concentrates to try it just yet. Question: What must be the size of the inner diameter of a body for a Vacap...
  2. Vapor4me

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    I would also be interested to be included in that next round of testers, if possible. Having had experience with the SLX and the Space Case grinders as my "go to", with the Mendo Mulcher and the S&B plastic orange being my other alternative, I'm still looking for the ideal grinder. Different...
  3. Vapor4me

    China VapCap Clone

    The thickness of the bowl also looks different, would probably have an effect on the temp. The o rings look dirty, I'd feel iffy about using it... But it's interesting to see that the VC's have gotten their interest. It's a (cursed) compliment in a way. I don't know why someone who wants to do...
  4. Vapor4me

    Which Dynavap for someone with asthma?

    It's a personal thing. Bigger water pipe and more percolation mean a cooler, smoother hit, but flavour is lost, and you need more lungs to clear the chamber... and I love flavour. For flavour hits, I heat the VC for a bit longer, but further away from the fire: By the time it clicks vapour will...
  5. Vapor4me

    Which Dynavap for someone with asthma?

    I have DDave's set, which I was running on a M 2017, but I find the draw restriction to be too much. In the meantime I also got a M2018, and the air flow is much better. I can see this setup working better with DDave's set. One of the things I like about the VC's is the hot vapour. I'm...
  6. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Dosing caps vs PWB Last night I felt like cleaning, so out came the used glass pieces, the Mighty dosing caps and the vapcap M. All survived the PWB without any issue, but some, most of the dosing caps, seem to have reacted to the PWB. Shame it's so difficult to post pics, and that my pc...
  7. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Do a search in this Threat and you might find some answers for your hash needs.
  8. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    ... And it's called Holz Butter, should you at any moment have hesitated whether it was cringe worthy or not...
  9. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    I still have to try PWB with my VC's but for glass, it has proven more effective than ISO (to my surprise) to remove unpleasant smells from glass pieces. Just my experience. V4M
  10. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hi folks, I ordered an extra Vapcap tip to go ahead an mod it, so that it has less air restriction. I have seen that some here have already done so with success, and I was wondering if you had any tips and tricks for us without the right tools at home? Thanks! V4M
  11. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Outch! This hurts my eyes.... A couple of suggestions: - Try not grinding that fine - Inhale long and continuously, as if you were sipping some fine elixir. - Use a screen inside your caps (I use one on top and one at the bottom) and use the lid to close them - Use a fine layer of hemp fibre...
  12. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    V4M : Value 4 Money... I can live with that, a green Ti Omni XL and an IH :cool: And you would know I got it for a good V4M, or didn't get it at all :rofl: (This being the only reason I got a 2017 M for €23 after I had already had an Omni XL on the way.) Containers: Recently got my yjars, and...
  13. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    Thanks for your feedback, Yes, I thought the added sensibility would be enough, but it's difficult to explain someone a "feeling", more so when we're an ocean away, so I would only get the chance to try when I'm back there. It would take 1/2 a year or more, but I'll report back... In the...
  14. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    Question for the Dynavapers out there (I'm a member, but certainly not as experience as some here), What is your experience, if any, with Dynavaps and deaf people? The M is the kind of vape you can "gift" as price/quality it's a nice entry piece, but the friend I got in mind is deaf, and I...
  15. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    A couple of days ago I was changing the "Lifeproof" (not) case of my mobile, for the 2nd time this year, guess my phone has lived too many lives already... Anyways, I digress. When taking apart the box of the case, I noticed it has 2 very strong magnets, to keep the box closed. These would work...
  16. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Yeah, that :tup:
  17. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    My experience with Dynavap's CS and Christina in particular, has been outstanding... In fact, they put S&B's CS to shame (it's the only one I can compare to, as Vaposhop is also so-so). My case didn't involve "ugly" pieces, just some faulty materials, and it was dealt with in a jiffy. Thank you...
  18. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    How old was your unit?
  19. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    The above graphs are very interesting. Thanks both to @stark1 and@STU. A couple of observations from the graph: - The M reaches a higher temp than the Omni, by about 20C - The M seems to cool down faster than the Omni That later statement is against what I read in the forum, but it is my...
  20. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Many cases have been proposed and linked in the forum. A bit of browsing never killed anyone. I find the Piper too big, but the PackRatz medium is perfect.
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