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  1. Vapor4me

    How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin

    Hi all, I realise that this thread has not been active in close to a year, but I have a question about reclaim, and this seems to be the right place to ask. I "bath" all of my vaping equipment (dosing caps, screens, Mighty cooling units, dynavaps, SLX grinder) in ISO, sometimes for a day if...
  2. Vapor4me

    Milaana 3

    Just checked my inbox and junk mail, nothing... :hmm: Will DM you. :razz:
  3. Vapor4me

    Milaana II by RastaBuddahTao

    Those are very good points, thanks! The charger, I had completely forgotten about... I have an old charger that I use for my AA / AAA rechargeable batteries. Would that do, or should I get a NiteCore?
  4. Vapor4me

    Milaana II by RastaBuddahTao

    So my Mi2 has finally arrived and I need to get batteries for it. I'm a complete noob, so please bear with me, but from what I read before and of these should do: Now a final question: I need the ones without the nipple, right? Would these work...
  5. Vapor4me

    Milaana II by RastaBuddahTao

    Hi, I'm fairly new with the Mi2, so new that it's on it's way still. I was wondering if anyone ha tried to use the VapeXhale herb baskets on the Mi2 stem: - Do they fit? - Do they allow you to use without a need to steer? - Does it prevent debris fro getting into the chamber? Very...
  6. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Put it in the dryer (15 mins) or under the Sun (couple of hours) and that should re-activate the carbon.
  7. Vapor4me

    Interplanetary Development

    Another believer here. ID has set the standards to out of this world!
  8. Vapor4me

    JyARz Storage Containers

    I have also had "talc" like powder on new jyarzs units, and when contacting Vapefiend, all they told me was that this sometimes happens, and that they needed to be washed with iso. Not quite the answer or extra work for me that I was expecting, but I have not had any problems with them ever...
  9. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    Scusa, but a question like that and in Italian would be more suitable for a PM, no?
  10. Vapor4me

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hi, Since I couple of days I've noticed that the cap I'm using on my 'cap has a weird very delayed cooling click, coming in anywhere between 18 and 36 seconds after the original cooling click. This is a new TI tip and cap, which I have only used in a PSM IH. As I already wrote to...
  11. Vapor4me

    Interplanetary Development

    Looks like the upgrade we had all been waiting for! :razz: Thank you ID team! :rockon: Does this model also includes a storage container for the vaporizables? V4M
  12. Vapor4me

    The HydroBrick by Sticky Brick Labs

    High, Thank you for your feedback/suggestions. I've only had it for a couple of days, and have already started to mod it: - An S&B oil pad (from a dosing cap) inside the GonG adaptor, to prevent scoubbis from reaching the tube/throat - An S&B dosing cap, lightly filled. Keeps the bowl mesh...
  13. Vapor4me

    The HydroBrick by Sticky Brick Labs

    I'm a member of the SB Maxx club since a couple of days, and all I can say is , WOW. I'm still working on my torch technique, spoiled to getting even abv from my Mighty, yet I've never been so medicated before... I'm almost scared to use it again, lol. Mine didn't come with the (new)...
  14. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    . I have taken mine within the EU, and it has never been a problem, hand luggage or not. Just give it the precautionary clean.
  15. Vapor4me

    Interplanetary Development

    You can use hemp fibre at the bottom, it's always handy to have around the vapcap. I recently got 2 silos thru ID's UK distributor, and I must say I was disappointed with the finish inside the tubes, which did not cover all the metal. I hope that my silo XL coming directly from ID's website...
  16. Vapor4me

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I was introduced to the whistle when using it for the first time recently, and I don't think my cat will like it neither... Bummer!
  17. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I'm also very happy with my Mighty, but less so with their CS (EU based). Should S&B be reading, you might have the gold standard of vapes, but there's SO much supply out there, SO much better CS from other brands, and SO any new developments, that you're no longer in a luxury position. You...
  18. Vapor4me

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Thanks for this. So, if I understand correctly, the PSM can be used as a "plug in" with the Mighty charger. Meaning that it will not charge the batteries but can be used directly. Is this correct? I apologise for my blunt lack of knowledge on anything electric. Happy I can use a pc and the...
  19. Vapor4me

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Packratz medium is great for the Mighty, and I'm very happy with their CS. Dimebag's OMERTA also looks like a nice alternative, but I have no experience with them. V4M
  20. Vapor4me

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    I got my Pipe's IH for about 2 months now, and I LOVE it! It's sure a game changer for the vapcap... So much so, that I hardly find myself using the torch. Only when the Mini needs to charge. Is this for reals? Fully safe both for the S&B charger and for the Mini's batteries? @Pipes ? V4M
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