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  1. Vapor4me

    United Machining Stainless Steel Grinder

    Thanks for the report D! Could you please tell us a bit more about the chafing sound? Have you noticed any denting? This is something that I noticed in my SLX (the denting) and which was a bit of a turn off (event tho it was replaced twice, but the problem would still persist). How would you...
  2. Vapor4me

    NL Benelux groep

    Dank u! Maar het is dat, een collectie, fuelled by VAS :rockon: Ik heb zelf geen ervaring (nog niet) met de Dreamwoods, maar de Sticky Bricks zijn iets anders. Ja het principe is de zelve voor the Hydro Brick, de Nova of de Micro (nog niet gebruikt) en de Dreamwiids, maar de Bricks slaan zoals...
  3. Vapor4me

    NL Benelux groep

    Dank u! :) 'tis een hobby geworden, elke vape hebt en andere "signature" en dan er is VAS :D
  4. Vapor4me

    NL Benelux groep

    Groeten iedereen, Ik ben in het BeNeLux, maar mijn Nederlands in slecht, toch het is leuk om anderen "vape heads" te leren kenen en mijn Nederlands te oefenen (thanks Jah for predictive text, so much easier to write! :lol: ) . Mijn enige desktop is een WoodScents, en die ga aan meestal...
  5. Vapor4me

    Vapman Station

    Hi, I'm looking for a Vapman Station. Should you have one that's not being used, let's talk. EU based.
  6. Vapor4me


    They have a Rep in Europe now, based in Spain, nice dude. Ordered, now waiting
  7. Vapor4me

    Interplanetary Development

    If I recall correctly, Austyn made the Vortex with the same size as an XL, while the shorty is equal to an M.
  8. Vapor4me

    The HydroBrick by Sticky Brick Labs

    Don't have an OG, but since my order for the restrictor discs came in, combustion has never been on the map.
  9. Vapor4me

    Interplanetary Development

    The standard Silo fits: M models, including the coloured ones, and the Omni. It does not fit the hydra/Nona vong models. The XL Silo fits: the Omni XL, but not the hydra/Nona vong models. As a general comment, the fitting on the XL seems slightly better, as there's no rattle, but nothing that...
  10. Vapor4me

    Interplanetary Development

    I have both, and a growing collection of VC's. Let me get back to you tomorrow, as I'm not WAAAy passed my sleeping time.... As for Zippo lighters, I have heard they have a torch insert, so I guess that works.
  11. Vapor4me

    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    What's the logic here? Brexit? :D
  12. Vapor4me

    Interplanetary Development

    Ah... ID really knows how to keep the VAS alive :lol::D Having said that, their CS is really top notch, you can feel they care about their products and the experience of their users. So, when is this Silo + Cargo coming out? :razz: V4M
  13. Vapor4me

    Grasshopper PFE

    Hi, I'm looking for a grasshopper Performance Front End, preferably in titanium and definitively EU based. Anyone? Thanks, V4M
  14. Vapor4me

    Specs of a WoodScents Variable Voltage Power Supply

    Thank you very much @Summer and @Ed's TnT :clap::rockon:
  15. Vapor4me

    Specs of a WoodScents Variable Voltage Power Supply

    Hi, I tried to look around, but couldn't find any details about the specs needed for a WS VVPS. The options I have are: - 3V-12V 5A - 3V-24V 2A or - 9V-24V 3A The easiest would be to get it from the man himself, but as I'm not US based, sourcing a WS was adventurous enough, I don't want...
  16. Vapor4me

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Looks like you need to talk with the Cartels... :razz: :D:lol::brow:
  17. Vapor4me

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Love the temptation! But is there any way for those based in the EU to take advantage without the risk of being slapped with import and other fees?
  18. Vapor4me

    Interplanetary Development

    Yay! :razz: :brow: :clap:
  19. Vapor4me

    Vapes on Planes - Traveling With Vaporizers

    I've travelled with mine (Pipe's) without any problems (hand luggage and checked) but that has been within the EU.
  20. Vapor4me

    Milaana 3

    I'm seeing 2 different models here: Note the difference in the air holes, screws and the mouth piece. So which one of the 2 is it that I'd receive if I order? :hmm:
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