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  1. P

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Yeah I'm not sure what was up with the ring pliers I got, but every single pair except the last one had a poorly built hinge, causing the tips to deflect outwards along the axis of the hinge. Also, to other builders: it really helps if you just find a pair of ring pliers that isn't...
  2. P

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Hey did any of y'all also have a bottom disc that fit a little bit loose? Looks about 1/16" all around. If it's normal that's cool, I just wanted to make sure (since this step can't really be undone). Tom lemme know if any of these posts you'd rather see by email. Usually I'll post here because...
  3. P

    Herb Grinders

    yeah I'd not trust MixnBall directly
  4. P

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Ha, yeah, I guess it was my living room floor. I'd put a bicycle truing stand down: and was hammering on the base of that, but it didn't really work. Worked great in the parking lot. I was worried I'd somehow work-hardened it
  5. P

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    So uh, I think I'm not hitting the heat exchanger flare hard enough or something, because it doesn't seem to be deforming nearly as easily as in the video. Or maybe my hammer's too wimpy
  6. P

    Herb Grinders

    Yeah I'm not really super unhappy, just kinda disappointed that the product doesn't seem to match what was listed on the site at all. It's like the teeth are the same and that's about it.
  7. P

    Herb Grinders

    I mean, it works alright, I guess I was just expecting a little better for the price. Especially the lack of magnets, and the poor fit and finish. Also, it has a plastic O-ring which I specifically tried to avoid. I'll shoot Dan an email and see what he says.
  8. P

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    OK. Oh and if you'd rather me email I can, but I figured these kinds of questions could be helpful for others as well. I turned the jack into the wood until it just started to dig in at the top and bottom, but obviously it'll never been flush with the sides unless you really crank it down...
  9. P

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    The kit came! If I was ever so slightly off-square when putting the jack in, will it matter? The top is maybe 0.2-0.4 mm more dug into the body than the bottom
  10. P

    Herb Grinders

    Believe it or not, the Mix n Ball grinder came. I don't have a camera but I'll post pictures later. I'm not super impressed for the money, the coating has several scratches and blemishes, there's no magnets, and the screen appears to be held in place with adhesive. Ah well. at least it came.
  11. P

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Not that this is really too on topic, but I'd like to add that the figure I posted is quite possibly one of the worst figures I've ever seen. But you can see from the figure there is a minute amount of weight loss at temperatures below 200C. Unfortunately since the figure is so low res, it's...
  12. P

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer
  13. P

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    beach, I'm sorry you feel slighted. I'd like to point out a few things from your sources: "Polypropylene, the chemical formula of which is (CH3)2-CH-[CH2-CH (CH3)]n-CH=CH-CH3 is heated to 250C in the process. According to information obtained from a chemist, heating poly-propylene to this...
  14. P

    Log Vapes: Making edibles using the vaporizer's own heat?

    I've always had the best luck in a double boiler, so you can pick up a cheap digital cooking thermometer (like $15) and as long as you're not exceeding 100 C it should be fine. When I've made edibles I've also only ever simmered for about 30-45 min with great results at about 0.25 g per person.
  15. P

    Herb Grinders

    Anyone here wanna sell their MixNBall Classic Screen to me?
  16. P

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Has anyone been successful in sucking straight from an opened 2 piece grinder to load the stems? I'm trying to decide what type of grinder to get.
  17. P

    Gulf Sadness.

    New estimates place the volume escaping closer to 2.9 million gallons per day. That's an Exxon Valdez tanker's worth every 4 days (well, actually 3 and change). I don't understand. I mean, I cannot...
  18. P

    Herb Grinders

    CosmicMendoMix'nSpaceCrushStoneChromiumBalls? I'd pay money to have that engraved on my grinder
  19. P

    Introducing the Clear Dome Flame Filter

    Well, if he did want to patent it, at the very worst this forum post counts as prior art. Plus, if you made something so cool, wouldn't you want to show it off?
  20. P

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I know that Cleardome makes glass tubes, but for guests (i.e. if you have a few people over and only one glass tube), I was wondering if the vapor brothers mini wand/whip ( might be used as a glass tube as well? Might have to make your own metal tip...
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