Search results

  1. P

    The HI

    How bout depth and diameter of the bowl?
  2. P

    The HI

    Can you reference the bowl size in grams or compare it to the PD or MFLB's bowl size? I am looking for something that holds about 0.02-0.04g per bowl and loads exactly like the PD stems used to @virtualpurple have you tried lubing it with oil?
  3. P

    The HI

    maybe try putting it in the freezer? I don't actually know what those items are, so maybe its a bad idea. Or just a series of cold packs around the part that is stuck I'm going to take the plunge and buy an HI finally, but i have some questions: -which tip design (sans silicone), is the best...
  4. P

    The HI

    Hi Alan, I sent an email about this but perhaps it was missed. I have two PDs would most certainly like to have refurbished, as well as purchasing compatible roasting tubes for the new replacement elements. Hope everything is well in HI land Woah, Alan just responded. talk about service!
  5. P

    Tips for a smooth transaction

    Dumb question, I have a PD that is new in box. Should I break the seal ont he box to take pictures of it? I would feel weird listing it with a picture of just the box...
  6. P

    thc content of vapor?

    mod note: This post originally was the first of eight that consisted of the entire contents of the paper Evaluation of a Vaporizing Device (Volcano) for the Pulmonary Administration of Tetrahydrocannabinol by Hazekamp et al. Because of its length and the fact that this study is copyrighted, we...
  7. P

    MFLB for sale with water pipe adapter $70

    He backed out, said his wife wanted to keep it.
  8. P

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    it's actually technically better because it increases the safety margin
  9. P

    Suggested Fixes for New Forum

    Any word on fixing the intraforum links from the last software package?
  10. P

    The HI

    How does the order and selection process work? Are we supposed to submit preferences when we get on the list, or when our ticket comes up?
  11. P

    MFLB for sale with water pipe adapter $70

    if all goes well I'm picking it up locally when he gets back in town
  12. P

    MFLB for sale with water pipe adapter $70

    where did you get it? and would you possibly sell the WPA separately? EDIT: I am passing through Seattle and could pick up local to you
  13. P

    Opinions on a few specific smaller bongs + general q's

    camera phone quality: The piece itself -definitely 5mm -the 18mm joint is a thickened ring of glass that has been ground out to size. It is not a full-length 18mm taper, it's low profile (accurate to product description). it definitely looks different than in the stock photo -38mm tube dia is...
  14. P

    Opinions on a few specific smaller bongs + general q's

    I ended up going with the smaller, artsier option: I like that it's locally made in the PNW, and has a little personality but form doesn't impair function. Also it seems like this is about the same size as an SSFG travel beaker.
  15. P

    Opinions on a few specific smaller bongs + general q's

    Yeah I've looked through those. I was considering this one: but it seems to be more expensive, and I'm unsure of glass thickness (I think they said it's 4mm). Also the...
  16. P

    Opinions on a few specific smaller bongs + general q's

    This piece would be used with log vapes (PD, HI) and an MFLB sans PA. I guess I'll start with the general questions first: Carb hole or no? I think I actually prefer a carb hole for some reason. I think it's because lifting the log vape off and then removing the stem is awkward. Glass...
  17. P

    Suggested Fixes for New Forum

    An intrathread search might be helpful for this. You can put it in the FAQ, just tell people to go to Google and type in <search terms> site:<thread-title>/ Is there any easy way to follow intraforum links from the old software? Or are they all broken?
  18. P

    The HI

    Are there heating element replacement instructions?
  19. P

    How To Use the New Forum

    Hey vtac, I like the new forum software and interface, but is there any way to navigate intraforum links? Looks like the old ones don't work
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