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  1. P

    Super efficient SSV wand idea

    anyone think you could use this mini wand as a PD tube?
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    Super efficient SSV wand idea

    Can someone measure the internal diameter of the mini wand?
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    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Can someone measure the approximate internal diameter of the mini whip?
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    Herb Grinders

    Do curved corners (well that's kind of an oxymoron) on the bottom plate between the wall and the 'floor' really help material from sticking? How much of a contour is necessary, if so? This is one of the reasons why I found the mix n ball grinders so attractive.
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    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Man from the top those bodies look like they're made out of some sort of stone or agate
  6. P

    Well this is a depressing video Small amount of pot, one dead dog and traumatised child. weeee
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    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Hey Tom, the new bodies look great! I'm excited to see mine when it gets here :) I always assumed they were chosen at random--have people been emailing you requests? Might be worth clarifying somewhere on the webpage, because I thought briefly about it and then realised entertaining them would...
  8. P

    Negative health effects of Cannabis?

    Well, science doesn't "tell you what to do", it just tells you the answer to a scientific question. How you apply that to your own life is totally up to you. Some of the reports may seem like they're 'telling people what to do' but in context it's appropriate because these are publications that...
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    Negative health effects of Cannabis?

    I apologise if I was trying to come across as an expert...I wasn't
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    Herb Grinders

    Er, I mentioned 4 pc ones because sometimes they're cheap enough that removing the screen portion to turn it into a 3 pc is worth the extra cost to get a nicer one. That and the 3 pc model doesn't seem to be a popular model amongst manufacturers. 2 pc is kind of inconvenient. 3 pc or converted...
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    Herb Grinders

    Okay, given that Mixnball might be SOL, is there a 3 piece or 4 piece grinder that is reasonably priced ($30) and not very big (~50mm). I have no interest in huge grinders (I use like...0.75g per month), or screens (it would take me years to build up a significant amount of kief). I think the...
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    Titanium screens

    Titanium has a Moh's hardness of 6.0 with borosilicate glass at 6--judge that however you wish
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    Negative health effects of Cannabis?

    Unfortunately, cannabis is a highly politicized drug, making it difficult to find unbiased sources. I've scanned the scientific literature briefly (20 min) and this is what I've found. I have not evaluated these publications for scientific integrity but presumably since they're published they...
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    How to make super cool coconut oil capsules

    Obvious question, but these take the same 45 min or so to kick in like any ingestion method?
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    Discontinued The Woodeez Vaporizer/Diffuser

    hope I don't anger the mods on this one, but I thought I'd point out that the polypropylene in question was being heated to 250C
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    Herb Grinders

    Does anyone know the status of the present MixnBall customer service? Also, is it even possible to grind small quantities (<1g) in a coffee grinder?
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    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Don't see a buy button dudes:
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    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    How did you manage to order? I haven't seen a buy button on the site this whole time
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    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    I think cork would be awesome. It wouldn't hold up as well but it's not like cork board isn't cheap...
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    Did anybody else read the 'Marijuana is safer" book? Discuss.

    I liked it, except the part about the "lines to use when talking to people". I know it's not that big of a deal, but it definitely read a lot like a "lines to use when helping people find God"
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