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  1. P

    going past 195c-383f

    I always take indica to at least 200 for sleep.
  2. P

    Discontinued FlowerMate V8.0 by Smiss

    Something I was wondering about is the bottom of the oven getting gummed up. On the V5 the mouthpiece gets gummed up pretty quick but you can remove the screen and easily clean it. With the V8 the oven is upside down so your drawing air through the bottom of the oven.
  3. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    You don't need a fine grind with the flowermate. I prefer the course grind that the cheap ones with the metal shark teeth have instead of the ones that have the knife edge. You get longer lasting flavor and more sessions that way. The last session I stir the bowl which easily breaks down...
  4. P

    Magic Flight Launch Box - Read good things

    MFLB would be my last choice. I never found messing with a handful of batteries and poor efficiency very appealing. Like most it was my first vape but after a couple weeks I hated it. I don't know what the "best" is but I do like the Flowermate and it is about the same price.
  5. P

    Upgrade from magic flight launch box

    Flowermate for lowest price and highest battery capacity. Get one and if you like it then get a second so you always have a charged one ready to go.
  6. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Steal the Joker from your card deck, fold it in half lengthwise. Works just as well as a funnel.
  7. P

    Looking to Maximize Effect - Amount vs Potency

    The most effective way is changing stains. The more strains you have the better. When you come back to a strain you have not done for a while it is almost like the first time.
  8. P

    Discontinued FlowerMate V8.0 by Smiss

    I'm such a fan of the FM5 that I have to get in on the eBay FM8 pre-order for $125. With three FM5 I have plenty of small portibles. Can you leave it plugged in most of the time?
  9. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    There is a delay before the charge light comes on when you plug it in.
  10. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I like my two Flowermates so much I just got in on the Massdrop for a 3rd. With two you have the luxury of letting one cool down and then charge while you use the other, or you just forget to charge it. If one stops working for some reason it would feel like I am overworking my last one. I...
  11. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Really clever!
  12. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V or MFLB? Which to choose?

    Yes the silcone makes it an airtight fit, you just have to push the mflb tube in a few millimeters. Together it effectively doubles the stem length which helps cool the vapor. Silicone tubing can then be attached to make it even longer or to a water pipe.
  13. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V or MFLB? Which to choose?

    I used a mflb for less then a week before I wanted to throw it away; way too much fussing around. The only good thing about it is that the clear stem fits nicely into the flowermate stem which helps cool the vapor. I love the flowermate so much I got 2nd one. The flowermate gives perfect...
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    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I thought someone mentioned a black mouthpiece but I can't find one? The white stands out too much in public.
  15. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    It took more than two cycles but it does seem to get gradually hotter as you use it for the first dozen or so times. Like you said the clouds become thicker and the abv becomes darker. I have two flowermates and they both went through that "break-in" period. I originally thought the new one...
  16. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Cool air moving over wires and plastic does not concern me. Super heated air would though. Hard to tell from the pictures but it looks like the heat is applied right below your herbs.
  17. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I don't think the color case has anything to do with it. The temp regulator is likely different somehow.
  18. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I got a blue mate to go with my silver flowermate. The blue one is definitely lower temp as the taste is less harsh and does not make me cough as much.
  19. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I found that the clear tube mouthpeice from a MFLB fits well into the silicone mouthpiece of the Flowermate. This seems to help decrease the draw resistance by keeping it from being pinched in your mouth and slightly helps to cool down the vapor. You can also now easily attach some silicone...
  20. P

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    A bubbler would be nice but not portable enough for me since I never vape indoors. A longer stem would be nice to cool down the vapor. I was thinking of just sticking a long hose into the mouth piece.
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