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  1. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Those wood stems look great. Definitely after the short one with glass (and cooler???). Curious what type of wood are they??
  2. Gray Area

    Discontinued The Splinter by RBT

    Got the email/link but setting up the account/registration seems to only work if you're in the US (no other countries to choose from)... :hmm:
  3. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    @Summer what about torching the glass adapter (gently). I reckon the glass will expand much quicker, and more, than the wood. Not hot enough to scorch the vong of course...
  4. Gray Area


    :nod: Yep, that's exactly how I discovered karne melk...
  5. Gray Area


    Im not sure about elsewhere, but you don't get it in the UK. Usually it's "normal" pasteurised milk or cream (if you're lucky)... The closest thing we have to koffie melk is condensed milk, which is sweetened evaporated milk, and (generally) nobody puts it in coffee. I love frikandel, my...
  6. Gray Area


    Stroopwafel thread :rockon: They're gorgeous... I spent a couple of years in the Netherlands working and these are one of my favourite Dutch treats. Can be suspended almost indefinitely in hot coffee without falling apart. Have a soft spot for Vla and Kaassouffle too... :mmmm: Oh, and Koffie...
  7. Gray Area

    My glass vapcap stems!

    :tup: thanks, I will... I'm up in the North East
  8. Gray Area

    My glass vapcap stems!

    You got some nice work there. Particularly like the one with the matching jar. Am an ex glass blower (lamp worker technically) myself, from the UK too, although haven't been behind a lamp for best part of 30 years... I'm beginning to think I should make an instagram acc, seems to be a lot of...
  9. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    @f0Nz I use my Tubo(s) in the same temp range as you mentioned and yes, my batteries get hot after a couple of sessions... although I rarely get the device too hot message. Unsure why you'd want to change the resistance from that on the battery door though (I never understand why people do this...
  10. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    That's a bummer :( Fwiw I can hear air flowing if I cover the bottom of my units...
  11. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Continue to be very impressed with my new M. Apart from dog walks (for which I use my arizer air) I've been using it exclusively since I got it last Wed and have had nothing but positive results with it :tup: Small to zero learning curve, and have pretty much dialled in the torch use/where to...
  12. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    :doh: You're right, of course...
  13. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Ok, so I'm another VC newbie who's received a nice shiny 18M yesterday, fresh from the 420 sales... Actually when I say I'm new to VC, that's not strictly true. I did support the original kickstarter campaign to get Dynavap started (and what a fantastic success story that's been) and received a...
  14. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    The new plates will fit you're old body, no problem, they're all the same size. It's the construction/materials around and under the plate that is different in the high temp versions... mainly to stop the wood charring iirc
  15. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    You'll be fine. I still use my og plate (with the grooves), and my lotus is my go to for hash... so if it's mainly flower, occasionally hash no prob. Good to fluff up with heat/break up if it's hard hash, and I flatten soft hash into as thin disk and place in a bed of flower (or cotton/hemp...
  16. Gray Area

    Any 4/20 deals thread?

    Still no banner, but there are some decent discounts on other stuff popping up too... worth checking out. I just grabbed a vapcap M 2018 ver for £39.20 :tup:
  17. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Yep... that makes three of us.
  18. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Thanks, that's a great deal... was looking out for a Vapefiend discount, but it's been quiet on that front, and tbh I doubt they'll beat 20% off dynavap products :tup: I'm in the UK too, so all good there. Roll on 10:20... going to jump in quickly before they sell out :nod:
  19. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    George/Dynavap had problems during the kickstarter campaign iirc. I paid first through PayPal, then had the cash refunded, had to pay again through an alternative service. What a journey the company has had since then eh? :cheers: Just waiting for a good 420/eu deal to grab an M. Had an og glass...
  20. Gray Area

    FC In Memoriam

    wow indeed... Sad news for a Sunday morning :( Always enjoyed his posts and the contribution he made to the forum... and anyone with a pic of Carl Sagan as an avatar is good in my books :tup: Rip @Prolusio
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