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  1. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    I kind of like the look of the grill... but I bet you'll get all sorts of pocket lint, abc dust and crap in there if it's being stuffed in and out of a pocket etc. Wood is a nice idea :nod:
  2. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Well, caught my first (and possibly last?) vapcap user out in the wild yesterday... Have been to a music festival in the UK over the weekend and spotted the tell tell torch and spinning vapcap from the corner of my eye while watching a band play :o If that was anyone here :wave: would have...
  3. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    I'd like option 1 I reckon... :tup: the price increase isn't too much, and the benefits when plugged in far outweigh the few more $$$'s
  4. Gray Area

    Simrell Collection

    :o Wow, that ebony and horn stem is just stunning... Beautiful piece of workmanship/art :clap:
  5. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    You'll notice that quote says in informal usage :hmm: The graph is efficiency against time. So technically a steep curve represents something that's easy to become good at... In formal usage :D
  6. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    If I remember correctly, somebody posted about wanting an original Ti Omni - the nicer/cleaner body ver a few pages back. Looks like there's one for sale in the classifieds atm. It's a poor pic but it certainly looks like the old ver to me :nod:
  7. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Very nice work man :nod: They're all really nice, but I suspect the biggest interest will be in that small, last one :o I do think your cup (although really well designed/built) may be a lost cause... unless DV want silly amounts of cash for theirs... That last one though... :bowdown: :tup:
  8. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Not here to argue, but there's no combustion at 400F. Even an solo can kick out higher temps than that...
  9. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Combustion is around 450-460F but regardless, do bear in mind the temp displayed is of the coils. The load, especially the way you (and I) pack it; in the joint itself, is removed from that, so cooler (apologies if I've mixed you up with someone else who posted about packing the glass joint...
  10. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    I agree the temp needs to be increased... I'd even go a bit higher... 410F+ Doubt I'd see anything much at 350F too. My sweet spot(s) would be 430-440F :nod:
  11. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    From my experience a good seal at the ground glass joint is essential for good performance. I only use rbt stems, simply because I prefer them over stock tbh, but a couple of the stems I got with my units were a poor fit and delivered poor performance. I too load the joint itself and cap it...
  12. Gray Area

    Discontinued The Splinter by RBT
  13. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    @LSDLSDLSDLSD Battery list towards the bottom :tup:
  14. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    The temp displayed is that if the coils really. Your load is removed from these somewhat... especially if your loading inside the joint (between the internal and cap screen) as I do too. The temp range I use to vape within on my Tubo's is 215-230 on the display. On demand mode works so much...
  15. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    The vapcap does indeed do hash really well. I'm more than impressed... in fact it's pretty much taken over and changed my whole approach to vaping. Nobody is more surprised than me :tup: While we're on about pollen (which comes from a male plant) and keif, both are misused terms really. There...
  16. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    It is a pen. But one with weight, sharp ends and other nasty bits so it can be used for self defence :rofl: ... it's a weapon (of sorts) :rolleyes:
  17. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Vapefiend also have 20% off Dynavap, but full set ups, not accessories (unlike hedonistclub which has the 20% off parts too).
  18. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    @Guiltfeeder that IH enclosure looks fantastic. Hope you don't have to solve the puzzle to change the batteries though :evil: Dropped my M cap end first over the weekend and it's slightly deformed the very top edge of the cap (and at least one disk inside). Still works fine but now clicks once...
  19. Gray Area

    High Surface Area 18mm On-Demand Vape Comparison

    I have two of them and they're fantastic vapes. My favourite device ever (to date). :nod: It's not really designed for wattage mode, the brains of the device is a joytech evic mini, with custom firmware that essentially lets you choose from regulated on demand use, or more like a session vape...
  20. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    The Hedonist Club has the 18M tip listed as a stand alone part... UK site though so prob not much use to you.
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