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  1. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    The smaller condenser o (or x) ring goes "inside" the body, and the larger one at the mp end. I always dampen the rings before sliding the condenser into the body... bit of water, or spit'll do it :tup:
  2. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    :doh: You know it's time to clean your vapcap when you're spinning the thing to heat it, and a big glob of reclaim runs out the mp end into the palm of you hand... :puke: It was the sencond of a couple of back to back bowls... in my (feeble) defense. :D
  3. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    @Rollingstoned i tried ELB's and didn't find them too good... I usually switch between the other two methods depending on my mood etc, both work well :tup: Good advice about the settings though. The only thing I've ever adjusted is temp. (Ok actually I switched to eco2 for cruise too, but...
  4. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    If you're making them to order, I'll probably go with an internal switch... But if you're going to do them outside, isn't there a lower profile option? Like a rocker type switch or something, that'll help keep the lines a little smoother and prevent pocket snags??
  5. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    No prob, as I said it was a minor observation, but doesn't matter at all really... I'm sure I'll get use to whatever colours the LED's display. And please, take all the time you need... I'll be happier buying something that you're satisfied is actually ready to sell :tup: I'd consider being...
  6. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Looks fantastic :clap: watching this evolve with great interest. Holding off on othe IH options for this one... I hope to god you're going to ship internationally. Another (very) small observation... if you plan to include the LED in the final build, I'd consider having the colours switched...
  7. Gray Area

    Cannabis News UK

    I know nothing more than what that article says... I'd imagine it'll be extreme cases only, at least for now.
  8. Gray Area

    Cannabis News UK I'll just leave this here...
  9. Gray Area

    China VapCap Clone

    They've done a good job by the looks of it... what's the cap/ccd like?? I'd have major concerns using it, not knowing what metal/o ring material is etc, but it certainly looks convincing enough... :tup: Also looks like the first fin on the tip is the same dia as the rest..??
  10. Gray Area

    Interplanetary Development

    Perfect... thanks :tup:
  11. Gray Area

    Interplanetary Development

    :huh: :hmm: Which makes the overall, increased length of the stash end..? Thanks again :tup:
  12. Gray Area

    Interplanetary Development

    I understand you can use the do adapter either way... to increase the size of the chamber for an XL vapcap, or the other way around, to increase the size of the stash section..? Can @InterplanetaryTanner (or anyone else for that matter) give me an idea of the overall size of the stash end, if...
  13. Gray Area

    VapCat Chat

    :rofl: There's more vape-talk going on here than in the vapcap thread... It's all dog and beer photos over there :doh:
  14. Gray Area

    Atmos Jump v Storm Spirit - how big a difference?

    Yep Atmos "vapes" are garbage :nod: The original solo and air are priced similarly, actually the solo is cheaper than the spirit. I'd go with one of those every day before the spirit. Or the fury 2 of course... haven't tried one, but it gets a lot of love round here and I'd have no hesitation...
  15. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    In contrast, I've barely used my dual... and while I do like the pick holder, I just far prefer my OG Tubo.
  16. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    ^^^ this, for me too :tup: I'd use mine at home, but want to put it down flat on various surfaces to use... back pocket for traveling around the house and when not in use etc :nod:
  17. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    3 on average (maybe 4 with a new battery)...
  18. Gray Area

    Vaping tobacco & weed mix

    The way I (perhaps incorrectly) understood it, is that mixing the cannabis with tobacco lowers the temp that the joint/bowl burns at... and so makes more cannabiniods available than if it burned at a higher temp. :shrug: :hmm:
  19. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    A nice wood panel... instead of the grill part only would look good. Doesn't have to be the whole enclosure.
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