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  1. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    The 7 fin tip is now on the EU site. €77 obviously. And you’re only allowed to buy seven of them! No 18M yet (my favourite tip by far)…
  2. Gray Area

    Want to Buy Dynavap 2018 M ss tip(s) - UK/EU

    So I’m after one or more tips from the 2018 M. Still my favourite so thought to try to grab a couple before they all disappear… Happy to pay the cost of a new SS tip, so give me a shout if you have one (or more) you’re not using, or just want t upgrade the tip on the one you do use… I’m in the...
  3. Gray Area

    Amsterdam next month;first time as vaper - Where to go?

    The Bluebird has Volcanoes on pretty much every table too. They certainly seem to be the popular one for coffee shops...
  4. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    there are no customs charges for goods from Switzerland to eu countries. It’s a member of the European Free Trade Association: EFTA :tup:
  5. Gray Area

    Tetra P80

    I use bomb ass butter on my poplar Tubo quite regularly. Keeps the light (dirt magnet) wood nicely protected :tup: @funkyjunky wow man these Tetra P80's are just beautiful. I bet they feel great to hold too... much more ergonomic. Guess I'll be throwing some more money your way in the new year...
  6. Gray Area

    Buds look brownish if they’re burnt. Has anyone seen this? Should I worry?

    Has it been cold where that plant has been grown?? It looked like the buds turning blue/purple due to cold imo. Impossible to be 100% from a pic. But it's not bud rot...
  7. Gray Area

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    @joner I use an earphone case like this... can't remember who had the idea first (earlier in the thread), wasn't me though. But a good one...
  8. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Yeah I need a family of them too. I love mine, but only have one... and that teenie tiny tank...
  9. Gray Area

    What books are you reading?

    Great choice... My favourite PKD novel :tup:
  10. Gray Area

    The Bookworm Corner

    Has anyone read The Radix Tetrad series of (four) books by A A Attanasio?? I've only read the final one The Last Legends of Earth. Read it before I realised it was part of a series. They stand alone as separate stories anyway, so no prob I guess... Very good indeed. I really need to hunt down...
  11. Gray Area

    The Bookworm Corner

    Quite right, I'm sure I've forgotten stuff to mention too. It'll come... I agree the Brian Herbert/Kev Anderson books are just awful. Nothing like the original stuff. Loved the Stainless Steel Rat books as a younger reader (haven't re-read them as an adult) but might just for kicks. Must check...
  12. Gray Area

    Brexit - The Great British EU Dilema

    Absolutely mate... that's what it's all and only about. Every normal leave voting person has been conned. Simple as that. Take this fucker: Crispin Odey. He donated £800,000 to the Brexit campaign, £32,000 to Farage. He donated £10,000 to Herr Johnson in June and he's donated over a million...
  13. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    So I've had my FD since the first production run back in Dec 18. It's #14, has a 16mm coil, and has been working flawlessly until (like an idiot :doh: ) I managed to leave the plastic spacer out from between the battery compartment and the other bits, and toasted the thing by letting the...
  14. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Anyone else seen this?? A "mod based heater". There's a video up on instagram too, certainly seems to work. Doesn't say how exactly it works though...
  15. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    I give mine (condenser and tip bottom) a scrape with the side of a toothpick between "real" cleaning. Snap the point off first for the tip. Pulls out a lot of crap and improves airflow. Hemp fibre or fine screen would probably work too, but haven't tried prevention... just clean up :D Edit to...
  16. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    I dunno about a separate thread... maybe a title rename (with a mods help??). Seems to me apart from the extra glass tube and ss coil inside it, it's the same, in design and function at least, perhaps not performance from that video earlier :o . Oh and these are quite a lot prettier than my OG...
  17. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    The only difference is the heater now has four glass tubes with coils. Your original dual has three, like all the other Tubo's prior to now...
  18. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Dynamag :tup: ;)
  19. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    @almost there @danielj & @Dynalowrider Thanks for the answers guys.... X-rings are pretty new and fit tight in my other bodies. They are in the right order of size (small/big/small), yes :rofl:, I knew that would be suggested. I've actually kind of figured out the problem. The issue was with...
  20. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Any issues with the standard condenser/x-ring/spinning mouthpiece set up being loose in Ti omni bodies? Or is the omni condenser a tighter fit than the normal set up?? Logically I'd have thought they're the same, and have never seen it mentioned before, but... Asking as I've managed to get hold...
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