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  1. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Very true. I have #14 from the first production run. I got mine Jan 3rd and have given it constant abuse. I roast around 1.5-2g of flower a day through the thing, quite often trad or bubble hash when I have it, I also run it hot past the click too... I have to change batteries daily, which is a...
  2. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    :o ... need something a bit bigger than contact lens cases to work for what I had in mind. But a stash and cache is most definitely a great idea :D
  3. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Yes please :nod: I've hunted high and low for something like this... to no avail unfortunately...
  4. Gray Area

    How to change User label.

    Click on your name at the top and select personal details... in there there's a box for "custom title". That's what you're looking for :nod:
  5. Gray Area

    What's the best vape you've ever owned?

    Best is a hard one. For me... Best battery portable = Tubo evic Best butane portable = Dynavap Vapcap Best butane desktop (or house portable I guess) = Supreme V3 Best plugin desktop = Enano Favourite has been all at various times and situations I guess.
  6. Gray Area

    mrb's bits n bobs

    I bought N and I love it. Real crisp lines and everything fits perfectly... Posted this in the vc thread but prob should stick it here too. As usual it looks so much nicer in real life than on a photo :nod:
  7. Gray Area

    Dynavap VapCap

    Just got my first Ti body/mp/condenser combo... and it's considerably lighter than the m. One of the first things I immediately noticed. My new daily driver, courtesy of our very own @mrb :D
  8. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Workhorse describes mine too @pxl_jockey mate... I'm a pretty heavy (read greedy) user and am draining a set of batteries a day to 3.6 ish, prob putting between 1.5-2g through it. Got 2x sets of three batteries in rotation and I'm always charging one set (need a desktop unit I think :hmm: )...
  9. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    I received my batch 1 care package in the UK today too... thanks :D Switch cover fitted without any problems. Absolutely love my FD. It's standing up to a real hammering from me and taking it all in it's stride easily. Think I'm going to stick with 16mm too, have it dialled in and working like...
  10. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    @Thesilentsmoker i believe they're the ones on the lamart website in the accessories section. With them being handmade I guess they'll all be a bit different..? :shrug:
  11. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    It's where you heat the cap to the click, take a hit, then reheat the cap a little before is has time to cool (and click again). So essentially you're "dipping" your VC into the IH, "sipping" a little vapor, then dipping and repeating again. All without the cool down click. Takes a little...
  12. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Hmm. 14mm coil does sound interesting... but I dip and sip a lot. Maybe I'm better off with the 16mm and just leaving it a second or so past the click when needed :hmm: Just realised yesterday that I can use my FD with headphones on (unlike a torch). Can feel the click quite easily with not...
  13. Gray Area

    Your most effective vape

    Another vote for the supreme v3 from me too :nod: It comes out on special occasions :brow: It's the one I use to melt the faces off combusters, you know when someone says "vaporizers don't work for me" or something similar... :wave: @Alexis
  14. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Yes and yes... I only use the rbt short stem with my Tubo (although mine are clear not coloured).
  15. Gray Area

    The Chinese SJK Induction Heater and The VapCap

    You could get a 220v to 110v inverter... you'd plug the IH into it, and it into the wall. It'll convert the voltage safely. I have one that works the other way round so I can use my 110v nano plugged into a 220v uk wall socket :tup: Although it might cost you more than the IH :doh:
  16. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Great to see batch two is so large. I had no doubt at all this thing would be a hit. It's just so neat... Absolutely love my FD :love: I hammer it a fair bit throughout the day and it's performing like a champ :tup: I like to "dip and sip" a bit so occasionally run it without the lid if I...
  17. Gray Area

    What do you pay per ounce of cannabis?

    Amen to that... quite true and the only way to go as far as the uk is concerned imo :tup:
  18. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    @Jayar the silicone is simply a circle cut from a baking tray. It's supposed to be rated -40C to 250C so should (hopefully) do the job. Maybe the switch will fit mine after all, as yours looks to be just the same...
  19. Gray Area

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    All this talk about buttons has had me thinking...:hmm: I like a decent temp for my hits and have been leaving the vapcap for a couple of seconds past the click (if I'm not doing sip and dip - which I love using my FD, so much consistent/relaxed than with a torch). I can see a bit of heat...
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