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  1. randybishop

    Jeb Bush Use to Smoke Marijuana and Sell Hash at Boarding School

    Online poll? That is the least credible source of polling But you are right, it's gonna be Bush (and Hillary).
  2. randybishop

    Vapor and the Flu

    FYI: Tamiflu can make you have a psychotic break. I only found this out recently from my doctor. Previously Hidden Data Shows Anti-flu Drug (Tamiflu) Linked to Psychosis and Suicides
  3. randybishop

    Vaporizers In Popular Culture - Movies, Television, Celebrities

    Do you have a favorite weed related web series/tv show that you like to watch? My top picks are: Getting Doug With High Broad City Workaholics
  4. randybishop

    Screen clogs too damn fast

    I can vape four bowls and my newly installed screen on my da buddha and it gets 1/2 clogged. I believe the problem is that I have some pretty fresh, sticky buds. Any suggestions of how to prevent fast clogging screens?
  5. randybishop

    Please help me choose Da Buddha or E-nano

    Da Buddha is awesome for next to a desktop computer (internet or gaming). Set the temp and take hits at your leisure. :)
  6. randybishop

    Mmj for anxiety/depression

    Indicas not sativas.
  7. randybishop

    DaBuddha or E-Nano Epic Vaporizer

    Good choice. I've had the Da Buddha for 4 years and love it. I keep it on my desk with my desktop computer and take hits at my leisure while on the internet or playing games. I have no reason to get another vape because I am so happy with my Da Buddha.
  8. randybishop

    Any good Netflixxing going on?

    Black Mirror is a new favorite of mine. So well done. I have heard that the "memory" (3rd episode) episode could become a movie.
  9. randybishop

    High Levels Of Formaldehyde Hidden In E-Cigs

    According to an analysis published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, the exposure to formaldehyde from e-cigarettes, based on similar chronic use as tobacco, could be five to 15 times higher than from smoking cigarettes. Read More
  10. randybishop

    Are you too stoned to drive? This app will give you an idea

    Walk or Drive app (now "Me Myself") provides a quick, private, accurate and objective measure of personal performance. It helps responsible people quickly, privately and accurately determine their impairment level prior to driving. Download app here
  11. randybishop

    Road Test: Driving High vs. Driving Drunk

    DENVER, Colo. – In a one of a kind report, FOX 31 Denver is taking an in-depth look at how drivers under the influence of alcohol and marijuana can do behind the wheel. WATCH VIDEO
  12. randybishop

    The CVault - Climate Controlled Storage

    Thank you!! I will be trying out 54's in the future!
  13. randybishop

    The CVault - Climate Controlled Storage

    54 boveda packs? I thought 62 was the best for weed?
  14. randybishop

    Anyone here have saltwater tanks?

    I had freshwater 10 years ago. Too much of a PITA to maintain.
  15. randybishop

    FC Meet Up, 2016 Cannabis Cup, somewhere in CO

    Can someone buy me a plane ticket? I will show them my boobies.
  16. randybishop

    Saliva testing

    You can test yourself and answer your own questions more a Saliva test on eBay
  17. randybishop

    Solution for the Homeless and...............FUCK FOX !!

    Genius! And yes, screw fox's war against the poor.
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