Vape pen companies are now releasing vape pens with hemp cbd oil cartridges.
There is not really any info online about if hemp cbd oil works like cannabis cbd.
Can you offer any information?
Gay Hendricks – a New York Times Best Selling Author, successful entrepreneur, and PhD from Stanford who uses cannabis to inspire his creativity, and to help with his arthritis.
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Thanks for your reply. Get headaches from all strains. Using the "da Buddha". Have you read anything about da buddha and outgassing (what is outgassing)? Da Buddha does have a ceramic heater.
I welcome your thoughts!
Following up: I lowered my temp on my vaporizer and NO MORE HEADACHES!
But I don't get as stoned. I wonder why a lower temperature can prevent
my headaches? Possible carcinogens when nearing combustion?
I have a Da Buddha vape and I want to get a water filter.
The order page (see below) gives the option of 14mm or 19mm.
Don't know which I should get.
Also, is the color choice just the color of the percolators...