Search results

  1. randybishop

    Cannabis on tribal land.....

    I see marijuana stores in casinos in the very near future.
  2. randybishop

    Senate Intelligence Committee CIA Interrogation (Torture) Report

    Fear is what propels us to do unspeakable acts. Fear is the enemy of understanding and compassion.
  3. randybishop

    Holiday Wishlist

    I feel your pain, I live in "The South" also. We are gonna be dead last for legalized recreational use unfortunately. Thanks conservative christians! :cuss:
  4. randybishop


    I guess you know this now, but.... When dealing with police you are not required to answer any questions. Upon request, show police your driver's license, registration and proof of insurance, that's it. When you talk to police you are providing information to incriminate yourself. Watch this...
  5. randybishop

    Multiplayer Games to play stoned!

    HEARTHSTONE Online card game with a very leisurely pace of game play that is great for vaping and chatting with friends while you play. FREE TO PLAY CLICK HERE
  6. randybishop

    Know your Rights: Police car stops

    This video provides very valuable information if you are ever stopped by police regarding 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. P.S. Get this card in put in your car in case you are ever pulled over.
  7. randybishop

    Strains for getting in the mood

    If you have access, try all the strains you can! You should hit upon a couple of strains that will really rev your engine. ;)
  8. randybishop

    What strain(s) are you vaping?

    Good question! I would be interested to know this too.
  9. randybishop

    My Stash

    Thanks for sharing the Amsterdam treats Bvapst!!
  10. randybishop

    THC + CBD Vaporization Study

    Thanks for this, I LOVE reading about cannabis and vaporization studies. Good stuff!
  11. randybishop

    Domestic Proxy Use?

    Cool thanks canj00digit! :D
  12. randybishop

    Domestic Proxy Use?

    For those that use VPN's, how much does it slow down your internet speed? I just use a pay proxy to download torrents currently. ;)
  13. randybishop

    What strain(s) are you vaping?

    LOVING the bud photos guys!! :D
  14. randybishop

    A valid method to lower tolerance?

    Hopefully this has not been mentioned (I did not read all the replies), I have read online that switching strains reduces tolerance.
  15. randybishop

    Cancer spread to my lungs

    Robg- I see that your avatar is of alcohol, you are not consuming I hope? P.S. Good luck to you!
  16. randybishop

    What strain(s) are you vaping?

    basement farmer, what is your favorite strain? :)
  17. randybishop

    What strain(s) are you vaping?

    How did the White Widow turn out? Is it a favorite?
  18. randybishop

    Let's see that stash box!

    Wanna see more boxes! :D
  19. randybishop

    Any Online Podcast Listeners/Online Only Radio

    Are there any weed related podcasts?
  20. randybishop

    New Business Models for Legal States

    I think that is a great idea! Lot of stay at home moms could use weed to deal with the kids. ;)
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