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  1. equatorgringo

    Need helping making a choice on first vape

    It is actually pretty discreet for what the machine is capable of! I travel with it often (locally). There are shorter stems but you probably wouldn't want to use them to pull from directly from the chamber to your mouth, as your throat will most likely get irritated. There are more discreet...
  2. equatorgringo

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Everyone needs to shop smart and it is their responsibility to do so. Go with a vendor that has very high feedback. That's why I preach only sticking with Sunshinestore for your glass needs at DHGate. I mean it's an open market like eBay except more dangerous since it is China. Why would you buy...
  3. equatorgringo

    SW Washington Legal Store Status- 3/2014

    Go Washington! My home state! :clap:
  4. equatorgringo

    How much herb do you utilize in one session/day/week

    Although I don't have much of a use/reason to own a scale so I can't measure by weight...but I vape 5-6 times a week, each session two stems with the Solo...and I have had the same ounce of stuff since mid-January (it will be done in 2 weeks probably). For me, the MJ has been the least expensive...
  5. equatorgringo

    Tornado Cyclone Europe order

    Word. I'd only go for it if it was cheapy cheap (~$40 seems fair) for this exact reason, I doubt I would use it often at all...but it's cool as shit to watch!
  6. equatorgringo

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    That is hilarious. Welcome to FC @gangababa !
  7. equatorgringo

    Where are the Game of Throne fans?

    Oh man. In the first few lines I knew only 1 character's name by memory. After that, about 2 in total for the rest of the lines combined bahaha. I am sooo bad with names (and even faces) in this show.
  8. equatorgringo

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I'm sticking to secure websites like DHGate, Ali, etc. Not going to mess with these unknowns until someone else has a successful story with one! Be careful guys...just sayin'. :2c::peace:
  9. equatorgringo

    Let's see that stash box!

    I always planned on a safe at some point but I haven't heard of modular. I am not sure if those are available where I am...the one I was looking at was like 5ft tall and had to be delivered and installed (granted it had wheels to get it to it's destination once on the ground off the deliver...
  10. equatorgringo

    Let's see that stash box!

    THAT'S what's up. It's what I picture in my new place. Some (my wife will think I'm nuts) might consider over the top but with employees in the house you can't be too careful.
  11. equatorgringo

    Need helping making a choice on first vape

    Dayuuuum that's a cool wife. And a hell of a testament. Go SOLO.
  12. equatorgringo

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Was writing this then saw your post afterwards :rofl:
  13. equatorgringo

    Need helping making a choice on first vape

    Absolutely can. Make sure whoever you buy it from is selling "the latest model" which can be used while charging and you will be good to go.
  14. equatorgringo

    Arizer Solo

    FC meet up poolside at Ataxian's crib this weekend?
  15. equatorgringo

    Need helping making a choice on first vape

    Here to add a new idea...oh wait no- SOLO! You'll be happy as can be.
  16. equatorgringo

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Yeah I don't like bongs or bong sized/style mouth pieces. I like bubblers with small or really narrow mouth pieces. Four out five of the pieces I have are as so. The 5th one (15" bong) is for sale locally. Ataxian made a really good point that when I read it, it clicked with me and I realized...
  17. equatorgringo

    How does mj help you?

    I don't take MJ for any physical medication gain...I am not in physical pain or have any serious illnesses. I am a selfish shit show a lot. When it happens I don't care about anyone else. It's about me and it's about what I need and want IN THE MOMENT. Since I started using MJ 6 months ago, I...
  18. equatorgringo

    CBD and Anxiety Disorders

    My god one day please let this medicine be legal world-wide. Benzos are a disgusting way of treating anxiety...they make you dependent therefore addicted which in turn creates another out-of-this world type of anxiety. The shit medical system and the doctors having a free for all in it with...
  19. equatorgringo

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Your CC is totally fine there. Also, have you seen the D020-D? Bigger than the D020 so might be a better choice for your e-nano- check it out. :2c::peace:
  20. equatorgringo

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    How is that wp-10 on the way left? I am looking for a bigger piece!! One thing that worries me, and I learned this from @ataxian...a little bongish at the mouth..but I am just making that assumption from the picture. What's your dos centavos on that piece @Tweak homie?
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