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  1. Jikaboom123

    Need vaporizer studies.

    I am writing a paper on the medical benefits of Marijuana while used in a vaporizer in comparison to smoking. I am having trouble finding solid, reliable information. I assume this is from it's legal status. Another problem is any internet sources need to be .edu or .gov, which is very...
  2. Jikaboom123

    Kif+VaporGenie = ?

    Nah bro, you just gotta hold it for as long as you can.
  3. Jikaboom123

    Kif+VaporGenie = ?

    layer of bud on bottom put the kief on top. You'll get one huge cloud of vapor from the kief. Inhale slower too.
  4. Jikaboom123

    hempfest 2009

    spiral probably went
  5. Jikaboom123

    Glass Vape Aromatherapy Device

    I wish it came with a bong.
  6. Jikaboom123


    i hope it comes out soon.
  7. Jikaboom123

    Best Vape for Water Filtration

    Herbo or VHW are made for water filtration. The Aromed is too expensive, IMO.
  8. Jikaboom123

    Easy Vape V2

    Guess they updated the Easy Vape. I was never a fan of the first, but I discovered this on a vaporizer site today: Would love to see a review on this thing. It's price is a little high I believe. ($290)
  9. Jikaboom123


    I just had the best thought while using my VG. Why not make a VG bubbler? All they gotta do is make it a bit bigger below the bowl and a sherlock style. Would be the sickest thing ever. You could still use it dry too. I'd buy it in a second. What do you all think? They made a glass VG...
  10. Jikaboom123


    It is possible, but I don't know why you would want to.
  11. Jikaboom123

    Glass VaporGenie

  12. Jikaboom123

    tokin's vapes inventory video

    Can you use the bubbler with a Vaporwarez? I don't see why not...
  13. Jikaboom123


    Do you read? At all?
  14. Jikaboom123

    Jiggling Ass Profile Pictures

    Considering the internet is 90% pornography, I think the web is it. :P It's a picture. Just because this is a vape forum doesn't mean your avatar has to be Vape related. :lol: Weird logic... is this your first forum?
  15. Jikaboom123


    A lil something to get the day started.
  16. Jikaboom123

    Smoke rubber with the Easy Vape

    You're probably the only one on this forum with that opinion. Stop plugging that crappy PD clone in every damned post. It gets annoying. I've used the Easy Vape once. I brought my Warez over my friends house who owns an Extreme. Another kid brought the Easy Vape. We ended up just using...
  17. Jikaboom123

    Arizer Portable

    I'm starting to put money aside for a new portable. I'm just waiting on this one to come out before I make a decision.
  18. Jikaboom123

    Homemade Vaporizers

    How have I never heard of this. :/
  19. Jikaboom123


    It's pretty good, adjustable flame too. I'm a VG pro though, so I adjust pretty easily to any flame.
  20. Jikaboom123


    I got an electric clipper lighter! :D I don't get the problems your having sundaddy. I can get vapor within 3-5 seconds. Just put the flame closer, it isn't rocket science. My friends who have never used it were hitting it like a champ a couple days ago. By the way, the coolest thing... my...
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