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  1. Smokey

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Yeah vito! This side has more random woody patterns! Can't believe how little it is, and how complex his grain is.
  2. Smokey

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Yeah definitely, I read it too sometimes and reconsider my priorities ;)
  3. Smokey

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Ed's ambonya stem arrived today! The LB definitely looks amazing now, all bomb buttered up :o
  4. Smokey

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    My Ambonya stem arrived today! This is how it looks on my little mflb all buttered up! Already love it :D Thank you Ed, the wood looks and feels amazing!
  5. Smokey

    The Magic-Flight Box

    With new 2400 powerex I'm able to scorch a pair of trenches, I have 4 batteries and use them in couple so they won't get too hot.
  6. Smokey

    Herborizer corner

    Yeah I didn't see them too in the first place, guess they're expanding accessories, good thing!
  7. Smokey

    Herborizer corner

    Link doesn't open for me. This is a nice option to have! Although I won't prolly get it cause carrying my glass around has been proven very dangerous xD I prefer keeping my main unit safe at home.
  8. Smokey

    can i eat my abv straight after a vape session?

    If you are looking for the heavy ingested mj effect it's better to make cannabutter>edibles. Eating straight abv it's less potent cause you need quite a bit. With butter you can concentrate thc way more.
  9. Smokey

    can i eat my abv straight after a vape session?

    A 0,5 af abv should treat you fine, absolutely not an "hazardous" dosage for a toke-a-lot person :)
  10. Smokey

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Happy birthday Ed! :D can't wait to receive your stuff :P Have a nice day!
  11. Smokey

    Dog Thread......

    xD nice video! I personally don't like chihuahua so much, I have a Maltese though and I can attest it's lovely. Always in search for love and a person that hugs him. I never heard him bark in angry mode, never seen him angry apart from when we play, but that's just for fun :P Smaller dogs are in...
  12. Smokey

    The High Times buyer's guide to vaporizers

    I think that by saying "works of art" is highlighted the manufacturing process, since it's not completely machine done. Since shaping (and finding) wood is such a complex manufacturing process, I think that the word "art" is not so much inappropriate. Take Ed's stems and all his other works. Log...
  13. Smokey

    between smoking and vaping

    Maybe you should try a vape that can reach higher temps in order to extract all cbd/cbn that you need, they usually are released at higher temperatures, when vaping deeply your herb.
  14. Smokey

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I brought my box out for his first camping trip. That was awesome, I really enjoyed it. My 4 powerex 2400 batteries lasted the right amount of time so I didn't run out of power. Everyone was interested in it and I shared it with mates, they were all pretty amazed! :cool:
  15. Smokey

    Making Cannabutter with Samuel L. Jackson

    This is (part of) my second batch, this time I added 2 eggs and broken up milk chocolate with like 50gr of cannabutter + flour + sugar. They came out pretty good, not crunchy, quite soft, but great taste. I didn't count them but I think they were about 20+ cookies. I brought them for camping...
  16. Smokey

    The High Times buyer's guide to vaporizers

    No High times cup winning herborizer? :rolleyes: lame
  17. Smokey

    The Magic-Flight Box

    No way!
  18. Smokey

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Love the "smokey" avatar Vito! hahaha Anyway you got an important point there, for those who mainly use it as an home unit, PA has indeed great added value, no need to worry about battery life, or which battery is charged which not, steady variable temp. I think I'll get it, although I have my...
  19. Smokey

    The Magic-Flight Box

    *edit* Wrong picture xD sorry One question. Are batteries supposed to become quite hot when using them? After few consequent hits, they get hot, I can touch them without burning, but I feel them hot almost as a cup of coffee. I am worried about they're lifetime since getting them hot is stated...
  20. Smokey

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Great, gotta order that right away. Anyway talkin' bout sipping technique, personally I get decent vapor by letting the battery in for 4-5 secs. Then I start sipping softly, like when smoking a cigarette or drinking coke. Then release my lips and breathe a bit, so vapor goes down. Then, when 3-4...
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