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  1. Smokey

    The ethnobotanical thread

    Vaping it? Is the average thc vaping temperature fine for it? I should try ordering some along with my root bark :D
  2. Smokey

    ABV - Warning to all Vaporist dog owners

    I never gave edibles or abv to my puppy, I usually puff some vapor towards him though...I did that with smoke too but the harsher smell probably didn't fit him since dogs have greater smell taste. With vapor though, he doesn't run away sneezing like with smoke, it stays there, smelling the...
  3. Smokey

    So, who has a bidet?

    I always had and still have a bidet, I simply cannot understand how people manage to live without it. I always thought people would take a shower everytime they take a poo xD Clean my ass with water and a bit of soap is essential to me.
  4. Smokey

    Anyone watch Breaking Bad?

    I hate that raging biatch!!:lol: And I hate her sister too in fact xD but in this last season, both of them seemed nicer. Never watched SoA, waiting for new BigBangTheory and Fringe....walking dead too xD
  5. Smokey

    Final Fantasy 7

    Played again on psp like 2 years ago, didn't go till the end though...I'm a bit spoiled too by HD graphics nowaday...Final Fantasy X was one of my favorites, and I played at the 11 for like 5 years, once you get into it, it's such a great mmorpg...but I'm done with that kind of "dope" xD
  6. Smokey

    Anyone watch Breaking Bad?

    Yaaay! These last episodes have been massive....pinkman is getting way more serious, or pretending to be at least xD
  7. Smokey

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

  8. Smokey

    How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin

    I started saving my "dirty" alcohol 3-4 months ago. From time to time I sink my pipe glasses for few minutes in human consumption 95 alcohol, and throw in it my griders too! With time it started becoming brownier and brownier, till last saturday. I made it evaporate double boiling the glass and...
  9. Smokey

    NEWS FLASH !! New pic of the INSIDE of the new VapeXhale Cloud !!!

    I jump on the Iwien bandwagon, I'm so shocked :o
  10. Smokey

    "the old days" what did you puff before mmj?

    Sinsemilla isn't a strain, it means "without seeds". No pollination involved.
  11. Smokey

    "the old days" what did you puff before mmj?

    Sinsemilla for the win, seriously. I don't care if the potency is practically equal, having to pick all the seeds from an harvest is a pain in the arse, a small pain in the arse obviously, but since I have the opportunity to select the plants, I'll always prefer a non seedy herb. If I need...
  12. Smokey

    The Sports Thread

    I'm European, that said, I don't follow any sport beside Snowboarding, surfing and skateboarding. Fuck soccer, here everyone jerk off when they see a ball rolling, I simply don't understand why it's so overrated.
  13. Smokey

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    After a nice forced break.........bump! :rolleyes:
  14. Smokey

    v tower creating health issues?

    Vapor will make you cough, that's kinda a paradox but it's definitely true. In the beginning you should get smaller hits and learn where your lung tolerance threshold is, with time you'll get more used to it and manage to take bigger hits, vapor needs a bit more commitment than smoke, but is way...
  15. Smokey

    Lightbulb vape taste like mflb?

    Mflb taste is soooo nice, you will be impressed.
  16. Smokey

    Do you still combust?

    Never smoked a thing...started few years ago with weed+tobacco (yeah, we use that here...) and in the beginning I found it harsh...then I got used to it and went along with my bongs with water filtration and ice cooling, made my hits way smoother...kept it on for couple of years before...
  17. Smokey

    Laptop question

    Macs are smooth, have greater battery life, keyboard and screen are state of the art and the multitouch trackpad...well once tried I refused to go back. So when talkin about laptops, macs are so freakin fabulous...and since I moved to logic, my positive opinions went further. I agree on the...
  18. Smokey

    Do you ever dream about your vaporizer?

    Bumping this thread cause last night I dreamed about my herbo+roor combo. I'm in a forced T-break during these days on vacation and I can clearly notice how I can remember one or two dreams per night, while usually I can remember a couple of dreams per month when partaking if I'm lucky. This is...
  19. Smokey

    Anyone watch Breaking Bad?

    I started following this show last week!! I already went on the 1st season and began the 2nd one. Lovin' it absolutely!!! Walt is such a badass!!! xD And yes, sountrack is sooo fucked up!!! Great tunes.
  20. Smokey

    Making Cannabutter with Samuel L. Jackson

    ^^ Nice, green, thick shit man!! I will do a supersized batch too when I get home from vacation at the end of august!
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