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  1. togepi258

    ThermoVape Monthly Video Review Contest

    Hmm, I ordered my ThermoVape today, and the contest ends in 3 days. If it gets here fast enough, I'm totally submitting a video. I would love to pick up a Revolution with the liquid attachment. ^_^
  2. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Wow man, thanks for the awesome post. Some of that I had read, but some of that was good advice. Something I'm curious about, I began making my own tincture today. I'm doing it the slow way, so it's going to be a while. I read that there's the liquid attachment for it, but that won't do...
  3. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    I've spent the past few days reading this ENTIRE thread. I laughed, I cried, then I laughed some more. There was even slight drama! Two months ago, I began my vaporizing adventures by going full-out and buying a Volcano. While I had attempted vaporizing before, I had no success with inferior...
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