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  1. togepi258

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Oh, yeah! Stirring! :doh: You think I'd know better, coming from the Volcano and TV. haha
  2. togepi258

    Underdog Log Vapes

    First impressions: Not sure how much I loaded, but it was VERY little. Probably like half of what I put in my Thermovape, maybe less. When I smoked, I used to take a whole bowl in one big hit, and that was it. That was the only way I could get properly medicated. This is why the Volcano was a...
  3. togepi258

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Thanks for the quick response guys! UD, you're probably right. She probably just didn't feel like bringing it up to the office. Unless she missed the giant sticker, circled in Blue highlighter! Either way, I put in a complaint to USPS. This is the fifth time they have done this. One time, it...
  4. togepi258

    Underdog Log Vapes

    My UD just arrived! Even though I specifically told USPS to bring it to my office, and Underdog put a big sticker on the box, they STILL left it in our company mailbox. Bunch of idiots. Anyway, I haven't tried it out yet, but I have it warming up right now! Quick question, does it really need...
  5. togepi258

    Underdog Log Vapes

    ^^^^ Your pics don't work, buddy =(
  6. togepi258

    I did my best to not post this, but I just have to

    You guys just keep making me feel better and better about my decision haha. I was getting my hopes up thinking "Sweet, there's a good chance it might be here tomorrow (Wednesday)" Then I realized, "Crap, it's July 4th." Damn Americans.... Oh wait, I'm a citizen now. God Bless America?
  7. togepi258

    Underdog Log Vapes

    SM, I like to read your reviews too! If you're turning me away from the Plenty, as have many others, I'm definitely going to have to take your word on this one.
  8. togepi258

    Underdog Log Vapes

    If I hadn't just spent a good amount of money on some non-vaporizer related things, I probably would have picked up the Plenty too. Would have been great to give it a comparison. If it's still available in a few weeks, maybe I'll pick it up. Although, if the UD is awesome as I expect it to be...
  9. togepi258

    Underdog Log Vapes

    LOL! Did you actually look up our forecast? Because it actually IS going to be foggy this weekend. On another note, I got offered a S&B Plenty for $250, since it's what I was looking at before. I declined, since I just ordered my UD. I'm taking you guys' word at the efficiency of this thing! :P
  10. togepi258

    I did my best to not post this, but I just have to

    I'll definitely post a pic! I just ordered one, I can't wait for it to get here! You guys definitely convinced me pretty easily haha. Conserving material is definitely going to be a huge plus.
  11. togepi258

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I have joined the club. I just ordered one of these puppies, can't wait to try it out! My vaping experience is limited to the Volcano, ThermoVape T1, and the Extreme-Q. From what I keep hearing, this is going to be my best purchase yet!
  12. togepi258

    I did my best to not post this, but I just have to

    Thanks for your suggestion, Agony. I will definitely be ordering the UD today then. If it's what I'm thinking, I have high hopes for this!
  13. togepi258

    I did my best to not post this, but I just have to

    Well, I think you two have definitely sold me on this. I contacted Alan to see how long it would take me to get a HI. If it's too long, I'm going to pick up an Underdog. I trust you guys! haha
  14. togepi258

    I did my best to not post this, but I just have to

    While the Underdog does look pretty nice, the price is the same that I could get the HerbalAire for or just $100 less than the Plenty. Is it really THAT good?
  15. togepi258

    I did my best to not post this, but I just have to

    Yeah, unfortunately, waiting that long isn't an option. Specially if I'm already waiting on the Cloud haha.
  16. togepi258

    I did my best to not post this, but I just have to

    I did take a look at it, and it does look pretty good. I guess my biggest issue with it, is that it's not through a store, and I have to wait for the guy to make them. Or am I mistaken?
  17. togepi258

    I did my best to not post this, but I just have to

    All right, here's the deal. I sold my Volcano to my friend, because after experiencing the Thermovape, I knew I was missing out on some good stuff. I have reserved a VapeXhale Cloud, but it's going to be a long time until I'm up for one. I'm looking for a new vap, preferably one that I can use...
  18. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    My Revolution kit came in today ^_^ Yesterday, my friend hooked me up with a G of some oil. I don't know how it was made...nor care. This stuff is hard to come by around here. Coincidentally, my friend who was supposed to be going out of town, didn't. I asked for and eighth of hash, and got a...
  19. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    Thanks for the quick response, cabbage. Looks like I'll be buying the DART next paycheck. I'll just use the oils in the window unit, for now. Since I bought the Revolution conversion kit, I only need to purchase the ThermoVape Revolution DART Vaporizer Cartridge, correct?
  20. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    So, I found someone who can provide me with a good quality oil. Even though I already picked up some hash and bought the window unit instead haha. The oil should work with the window unit too, right? The DART just makes it a ton easier? If so...looks like I need to get the DART attachment.
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