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  1. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    Thanks for the tips, OF. I purchased their anti-stick stirrer too, this should work instead of the toothpick, right? Or is it too big? I mainly got it for the loading. P.S. If my hash is hard, is there a proper way to soften it? Or should I just break off a small piece and load that?
  2. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    Ordered my Revolution converstion kit today, can't wait to try it out! Had my friend hook me up with some hash. It's pretty hard to come by, in Texas, so hopefully it's good stuff. I had ordered the DART version, but from what I read on here. that's mainly for oils. I called them up, and they...
  3. togepi258

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    WOOPS! Sorry sorry...I was thinking of the WISPR. Still really early. In fact, I've heard awesome things about the DaVinci. I almost picked one up, before I decided to wait to see how the PAX does.
  4. togepi258

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    The Thermovape is incredible. I've taken it out at bars, the super market, and even the movie theater. I personally didn't like the solo, and I've heard the DaVinci makes noise (Plus, it uses butane). Now, I'm not dissing them, I'm sure they're great. But, for me, the ThermoVape is sick. Brutal...
  5. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Dude, cement truck technique sounds incredible! Thank you so much for this. I'm going to go try it ASAP.
  6. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Thanks for the warning JamBand, I did see that a few times while I was reading through this thread. I actually haven't done any repeated posts though =) All my posts have been responses. As for your info, that's incredibly helpful. I was wondering if it was something with the break-in process...
  7. togepi258

    ThermoVape Monthly Video Review Contest

    LOL! Dude, you cracked me up with your sound effects.
  8. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Thanks for the tip. That....makes a lot of sense haha. I'll continue experimenting. If I wasn't at work, I would keep going at it, until I figured it out.
  9. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Hmm...maybe I'm mistaken then. Since my only other positive experience vaporizing, is with my volcano, I've never combusted. What I do know, is two of the 8 hits hit me pretty hard, and a bit of of the herb appeared to be kind of black (Maybe it was just REALLY brown). I was doing what I could...
  10. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Got mine in today. Accidentally combusted twice, BARELY, but still loving it. Just gotta get my technique down. No regrets. Worth every penny.
  11. togepi258

    Portable Vaporizer for hash?

    Gotcha! Thanks for the info =) I'm such a hash noob.
  12. togepi258

    Portable Vaporizer for hash?

    What about the ThermoVape Revolution? Isn't that supposed to be incredible for concentrates? I don't personally know, but I read great things.
  13. togepi258

    ThermoVape Monthly Video Review Contest

    =( Not here today, will be here for sure tomorrow. It'll probably be too late then, but I'll make a review and submit it anyway :P
  14. togepi258


    Thanks for the tips buddy =)
  15. togepi258


    Nearly impossible to find concentrates in my part of Texas =( Through my reading of this post, I did see the suggestion to use the liquid pad for anything, including herbs. I'm going to try that out, since I haven't even used it before. I'm supposed to stick the liquid pad, all the way to the...
  16. togepi258


    I've been following a few other thread on this forum, because I was looking for a portable device, and came across this thread. How, in all my reading, did I miss the thread for the vaporizer I actually have?! I LOVE the Volcano. I have the Classic with the Solid Valve and the Easy Valve...
  17. togepi258

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Wow. I just heard about this vap today. This thing looks SICK! I just ordered my ThermoVape yesterday too haha. I look forward to seeing the reviews, come August.
  18. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Incredible advice. Thanks a ton. Looks like I'll just be sticking to my herbs then. I'll just try out the tincture orally. Looks like it's time to find some concentrates in my area then =) The Revolution definitely seems like it's perfect for concerts.
  19. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    This would definitely be for THC Tincture, I've never liked nicotine. Since I've never even TRIED tincture, I'm not knowledgeable, but I figured it would work similar to the e-liquid. I wouldn't doubt that I'm wrong though.
  20. togepi258

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Thanks for your input. So, I should just get the liquid attachment for my T1 then? As I said, I was mainly interested in the Revolution for the awesome battery life. But, concentrates are nearly impossible to get in Houston.
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