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  1. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    This is pretty much the same product, I think, but there is no scent... Interstate WoodWorks Beeswax Paste Wood Finish & Polish - 6.25 oz.- Cutting Board Sealer - Made in America
  2. Hopkins3030

    Nice Dreamz by Divine Tribe

    Here's a couple of short videos I recorded yesterday... Temp check - hard to keep the sensor pointed at the small cup while holding the camera... And here's one where I blow out a lung with a dab of Pineapple...
  3. Hopkins3030

    Nice Dreamz by Divine Tribe

    Divine Tribe has a Discord server with a channel to be a beta tester for the device... I'll put a link below to their server but tbh I don't know that I have the correct permissions... let me know if you can't join their server and I'll ask an admin over there...
  4. Hopkins3030

    Nice Dreamz by Divine Tribe

    I got one earlier in the week but the male 14mm top of my dome had snapped off in shipping... I was lucky enough to receive a replacement dome on Friday... this thing is kicking my ass and I really don't know why, my daily driver is a DTV5 on a Red Panda Espion so I wasn't expecting a big jump...
  5. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I guess I lucked out & snagged the last bowl kit yesterday! I'm super stoked to get it, I haven't really touched my FW8 in weeks... I use my 7 in exactly the same way, but with the WPA and a Hubble Bubbler... it's so easy to just blow out the spent bowl while it's still warm... I'll be glad to...
  6. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Question for current FW8 users... Is anyone else having an issue with the spring-loaded contacts making the locking slide feel 'loose' on their battery packs?
  7. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I'm glad you finally got yours! I was feeling a smol pang of guilt every time I've used mine, and it's been a lot! But I think there must have been a design change between yours & mine, since my 'tampers' go the entire depth of the chamber and overpacking is a definite possibility.
  8. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Yes, thanks @moondog for your part in making that happen, and so quickly! I got my loading tray yesterday and have used it 3 times since then (I really hope y'all appreciate the punishment I subject my lungs to for the sake of knowledge and info sharing :ko:) and while I won't go as far as...
  9. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    So the screens came in... 2 more than expected actually, my 10pk had 12 in it! My initial verdict? They don't suck... they seemed to work at least as well as standard screens... I'm going to replace the wire screen in one more capsule, 2 honeycomb screens and 2 standard wire screens, and I'll...
  10. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    They do look a little big but in that zoomed in view the whole thing looks big too... I calculated my level of confidence that this could work to be at the "10 bucks or less" level, so at $8 I figured I'd give it a shot... I usually just do a coarse grind and without combustion there will be no...
  11. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I ordered some regular 3/8" stainless screens but I'm also gonna take a shot with these, I'll post an update later this week after I've had the opportunity to give them a test drive...
  12. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I've found that mine get stuck bc they don't drop 100% even and kinda jam against the side wall... I've found that if I gently push up just a touch with my fingertip and then gently release it falls out evenly and I can snag it with my other fingertips... ymmv 😉
  13. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    @moondog I was going to ask you if you'd had any issues with the screens, I popped my first one out on Thursday... I grabbed one of the 1/2" screens I have for FW7 but it was a bit too big... I'm also struggling with the capsules... The best solution I've found for me or is to load them and put...
  14. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I slapped a silicone 14/18mm adapter on the end of the glass and use it with a Hubble Bubble, but when I was having trouble getting vapor I quit using the bubbler but kept the adapter on to use as a mouthpiece... the glass doesn't get hot enough to do any damage but it can get uncomfortable and...
  15. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Let me start off by saying that I am a huge FW7 fan… it’s sexy-sleek, minimal, only has one job and it does it well… add the versatility of using a glass piece or j-hook (my favorite) with the WPA and it's easy to see why it’s been my daily flower driver (DTv5 for concentrates) since I got it...
  16. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Sounds like it's pretty effective as-is! 🤣
  17. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Here's some better close ups...
  18. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Woke up this morning thinking the Cannabis Gods had smiled upon me, I had the day off and found that my expected Saturday delivery date had updated to this afternoon! Later I remembered that they are also Chaos Gods and if you look closely those smiles hide a bit of smirk and evil chuckle... As...
  19. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I just noticed that my check was processed yesterday... :rockon: Edit: found the tracking number buried in my email, ETA Saturday... Gonna be a busy busy weekend... :sherlock:
  20. Hopkins3030

    Firewood Vaporizer

    "Two is one and one is none..." is an old philosophy, but one that has served me well time after time as a field tech.
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