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  1. VapoFish

    Anyone heard of the Vape Pen?

    Moe - wow! Cool. Outstanding. It's like a vape Dugout. Yes. If it works I'm in. :D
  2. VapoFish

    decisions decisions... please help

    I hear you Moe, and of course, perception is reality. :peace:
  3. VapoFish

    decisions decisions... please help

    Moe - I think you'll like the MZ. Rick is great to deal with too. :2c:
  4. VapoFish

    Swamp Water / Golden Dragon a use for your abv/avb

    Thanks for that tip Lo. :peace:
  5. VapoFish

    PD vs. MZ a Krazy Function Comparison.

    I haven't used a koozie -yet- . If I do I'll let you know how it worked for me. Others have posted that it's worked for them.
  6. VapoFish

    PD vs. MZ a Krazy Function Comparison.

    Moe ... It's an insulating device --- one can place a beer can into it to keep it cool. See one here:
  7. VapoFish

    How long does a 1oz. of good bud last you in you vaporizer

    Thanks Beezeleb ... it's a point I never considered. I'm always looking for the best bud money can buy, and I'm not afraid to pay the price. This new info could save a considerable amount of $$$. :)
  8. VapoFish

    Myrtlezap's safety concerns.

    ^ Yup. :peace:
  9. VapoFish

    PD vs. MZ a Krazy Function Comparison.

    Iwien Good question. This has been posted about in other threads, so I'm restating what I've read (perhaps not too coherently though - a taste of some dankness has been my friend for much of the morning :D ). I can definitively say that the MZ hits better after the diffuser has been removed...
  10. VapoFish

    PD vs. MZ a Krazy Function Comparison.

    lord The MZ works great as an oil diffuser. Rick sends a small bottle of essential oil with each MZ. I've got lemon and it smells great. The MZ doesn't receive as much airflow when the diffuser is attached, so if you vape right after removing it the heating element isn't @ max temp. Simple...
  11. VapoFish

    Myrtlezap's safety concerns.

    As a long time ProtoPiper, I'm with Krazy. :2c: Qbit: that's some funny shit :D :peace:
  12. VapoFish

    PD vs. MZ a Krazy Function Comparison.

    Very helpful comparison.
  13. VapoFish


    OMG Amsterdam! Some day. :peace:
  14. VapoFish


    I think you are right Rick. You can get an archived version of's Cannabis Cultivation Grow FAQs @
  15. VapoFish


    Rick, great news regarding MMJ. Hey ... I want an extra stem! :D
  16. VapoFish


    aleYarok ... congratulations! It's a very cool vape. :peace:
  17. VapoFish

    Proud New Daddy of an Old Guitar: Show Us Your Babies!

    Nice macbill... I had a Baby Taylor for travel. I like your solution much better! I've got a vintage Gibson J200 (bottom) and a new Martin DC15e ... am always on the hunt for other vintage guitars. :peace:
  18. VapoFish


    ^ I agree with Willy.
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