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  1. VapoFish

    How long does a 1oz. of good bud last you in you vaporizer

    MyrtleZAPs rock dkbs. Have had mine for about a month I think. Fantastic. :2c: :peace:
  2. VapoFish

    Drying out your bud........

    Wow. You're right Devo --- never thought of it like that, but yeah. It's like you are eating it. And a beaver. While smoking a wooden pipe. I'm stoned. :lol:
  3. VapoFish

    Drying out your bud........

    Devo - I share your affinity for taste. :brow:
  4. VapoFish

    Drying out your bud........

    Ah, OK. So one does need to get the foodsaver too. Cool. Well, that's what I'm gonna' do. I'm convinced this is the best way to preserve bud. :peace:
  5. VapoFish

    Drying out your bud........

    Thanks for the response lo ... so you DON'T need the foodsaver? This device by itself will work with wide-mouthed mason jars?
  6. VapoFish

    Drying out your bud........

    I agree regarding curing. Lo ... is the "air sucker-outer" what you use? I've seen them before but didn't know if they worked.
  7. VapoFish

    Drying out your bud........

    I know this is off topic, but I found the above line hilarious. :D On topic: I love the smell, taste and feel of fresh bud. It seems a shame to dry it out, but I do for vaping. I usually take out a days worth of fresh bud from its airtight home, put it on a plate and let it sit over night ...
  8. VapoFish


    quomist ... it looks great! :D
  9. VapoFish

    What was your favorite psychedelic song ?

    It's been a long time since I listened to McLauglin & Mahavishnu O. Thanks for the reminder - always like them.
  10. VapoFish

    What was your favorite psychedelic song ?

    I'll check those tunes out - I'm listening to Tony Futado, Magpie On the Gallows right now. Nice stuff too. I can listen to almost anything Coletrane, but sometimes am challenged by Bird & Miles, to the point where it's distracting and I can't really enjoy the music. I still do listen, and love...
  11. VapoFish

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    Hmm. Good idea with the small bud. Will have to start doing this.
  12. VapoFish

    What was your favorite psychedelic song ?

    Great story, and interesting that she didn't understand her grandfather's legacy. Bet she is a great hair cutter.
  13. VapoFish

    The recipe box, with pics!

    OMG :D Beautiful.
  14. VapoFish

    What was your favorite psychedelic song ?

    I have listened to Alice Coltrane on vape just a few days ago. My fave J Coletrane on shrooms: A Love Surpreme ... especially when the back up musicians start chanting.
  15. VapoFish

    How Much Do You Pay For Bud?

    Yeah, you folks in Cali have it made in the shade. I have a feeling Arizona may not be far behind. One can dream, can't one? :D
  16. VapoFish

    What was your favorite psychedelic song ?

    Any music, if its good music, usually works for me. I love to listen to Coltrane on shrooms, sometimes Miles Davis or Charlie Parker are good too. Jerry Garcia/David Grisman is another good choice, especially when they are doing improv instrumentals. Pink Floyd has been my friend through a...
  17. VapoFish

    How Much Do You Pay For Bud?

    Wow! That looks like some sweet bud. :o
  18. VapoFish


    VERY NICE - not as nice as my MZ .... but close. :D
  19. VapoFish

    Swamp Water / Golden Dragon a use for your abv/avb

    Seems like a good idea to pre-warm duff as a general rule, just to make sure it's all reached the right temperature. Doesn't it? :rolleyes:
  20. VapoFish

    Swamp Water / Golden Dragon a use for your abv/avb

    OK, two questions. 1. What about the bud that comes out after you spank a PD or MZ? Is that "Green Dragon" ready? 2. I forgot what the second question was. :D
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