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  1. VapoFish


    reece, I know where you're at. I'm free now, but put in my time. :ko: Now it's time for trippin'. :D
  2. VapoFish

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I've got a callous there. :D
  3. VapoFish


    aleYarok - you're vaping hash with your MZ? :o Very cool ... how are you doing it? Are you mixing it with bud first? Or are you vaping straight hash? Also, would like to see pics of your new MZ. :D :peace:
  4. VapoFish


    I'm with you to a degree bcleez. Didn't touch psychs for years until my gf brought some shrooms home last year. It was a great time and something I'd like to do again on a semi-annual basis.
  5. VapoFish


    Yeah, have done some reading about salvia. I am on the fence as to whether or not I'll give it a try. All this talk about shrooms, etc. brings me back to my early college days, when I was first introduced to Carlos Casteneda books. It's been a long time since I've read them. Don Juan is...
  6. VapoFish


    :uhoh: Man, the things we ingest (myself included)! Sounds like an interesting time.
  7. VapoFish


    Interesting. I've experienced similar to this on acid, but never on shrooms. I'm not the shroomster I once was, but every time my trips were very mellow when compared with acid. Intensified color, some distortion but mainly it was a mind bending ride. Common concepts became abstract and open...
  8. VapoFish


    So I've heard.
  9. VapoFish


    aleYorak - you're gonna' love it. :2c:
  10. VapoFish


    Yep on 'yote. Regarding 'shrooms .... we do have a season of about 2 mos. when its consistently humid (still pretty warm though). Maybe they would grow. I think I'll google it. GF keeps wanting to grow our own. I DO know where the nearest dairy is. Hmmm. Next monsoon season think I'll pay it...
  11. VapoFish


    So I've heard. :cool: Doesn't make much sense to me though.
  12. VapoFish


    bluntfaced - what about the desert outside of Phoenix? Wonder if they grow out here somewhere. I know they grow in Flagstaff ... but that's a much more humid environment & it's @ about 7k feet.
  13. VapoFish

    Denver area peoples..

    LOL @ macbill. My snowy sentiments exactly. :ninja:
  14. VapoFish

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I know about the "backfire". Had a shower of ABV one time & that was enough. :o I tap my MZ stems on the edge of my glass jar too. Sometimes use a toothpick to make sure I got it all out. Efficient. Works. :2c:
  15. VapoFish


    Hmmm ... I think I'm going to get one. Love the idea of GLASS, but the hand-carved wood pipes look so nice.
  16. VapoFish

    PD vs. MZ a Krazy Function Comparison.

    Thanks for clearing that up Rick. :peace:
  17. VapoFish

    PD vs. MZ a Krazy Function Comparison.

    Yep, that's what I thought too Reece. Perhaps I misinterpreted what Rick meant.
  18. VapoFish

    PD vs. MZ a Krazy Function Comparison.

    I'm not sure if I should put this in the official AZ/MZ thread or what? Anyway, Rick said that if done right, the MZ should produce no "usable" ABV. Rick, correct me if I'm wrong here ... but you said, "if you can't blow out a solid chunk of duff, you're doing it wrong". You went on to say...
  19. VapoFish

    Is Brass Safe?

    ^ Well said. :peace:
  20. VapoFish

    PD vs. MZ a Krazy Function Comparison.

    Sticks - I think the mods have done an outstanding job. You've managed to create THE ONLINE RESOURCE for vapes - no easy task. :2c:
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