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  1. Zingbuddah

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Any tips for soldering the nut to the brass portion? I've tried knocking the chrome off the nuts and silver solder with no luck. Perhaps its my skill level :/
  2. Zingbuddah

    Thermovape Evo/Rev/AVA Ultimate Package!

    Sorry, not able to hold the item.
  3. Zingbuddah

    Thermovape Evo/Rev/AVA Ultimate Package!

    $210.....going to let this sit and stew for a while.
  4. Zingbuddah

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera just have a screw loose? :)
  5. Zingbuddah

    Thermovape Evo/Rev/AVA Ultimate Package!

    All good info, too bad my meter is broken! I want to get this GONE! Drop to $230.....send me a PM!
  6. Zingbuddah

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Email directly to them or via the warranty claim page on their website? Steps to Win With MFLB Customer Service -Always initiate contact via the web form -Check for an email from subject line of "Thanks for your...
  7. Zingbuddah

    Thermovape Evo/Rev/AVA Ultimate Package!

    The two Revs are SR, the AVA (franken-DART) is LR. Evo is SR.
  8. Zingbuddah

    Thermovape Evo/Rev/AVA Ultimate Package!

    Thanks for the feedback on the MNIM....yeah it turned into a S*&#-slinging session so no reason to offer it up as anything but what is on the side. It works well with oil...just as good as my Cera! Can I get a hallelujah price bump!? $$240 - Shipped and PP fees covered
  9. Zingbuddah

    Thermovape Evo/Rev/AVA Ultimate Package!

    I love it to death, I'll probably miss it but its just collecting dust right now so up it goes. Included is: 2x Thermovape Revolution w/rotation top and DART top ($75) 1x AVA LR With DART tip* ($55) 1x Evolution ($65) Thermovape Body with EVO and REV top ($100) 510 to 601 adapter (allows you...
  10. Zingbuddah

    The Magic-Flight Box

    If your PA is "pulsing" at full power, you'll be turning in a warranty claim within the next week or so for a complete failure. I've seen two die at the hands of the concentrate tray so far. Not that the PA is a less-than-stellar product, we are just seeing a few failures at the high ends of...
  11. Zingbuddah

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Thinking we should use the term "repair" instead of warranty....because in the end we all agree that the warranty is done once you pop the top... Not endorsing unscrupulous behaviour by attempting to fix it and then claim it was just broken through use.
  12. Zingbuddah

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Definitely a topic that merits a discussion or re-visit. What are the heavy users doing for maintenance? I think I fall in the light user category for Cera usage. I'm using a 20 min soak (99% iso), 30 min boil (water) and 20 min soak (99% ISO) then a quick water boil to clean out the ISO. I go...
  13. Zingbuddah

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Ok...task #1 save post before it disappears...check. Task #2....We have Tim's "don't take out the screws" warning and OF's second of the damage but no official word on what TV will charge if (worst case) you send them a bag of busted ceramic parts but all the reusable parts are there and...
  14. Zingbuddah

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    <<Unpacks Extreme Q he was about to list on the classified and starts hunting for a HT!
  15. Zingbuddah

    Persei Bender Attachment

    Looking to get this shipped out for the weekend! Price drop to $120 No offers or trades with this many folks contacting me...if you want it, please be prompt with responding and PP transactions. No mention of vaping, Bender, D9, Persei in any of the PP transaction information.
  16. Zingbuddah

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera many times a week do you pull on your Cera and realize the batteries are not inside? <shakes head> You think by now I'd have it down.... Mines still kicking butt over here. Thinking hard about parting with my T1 gear to get a spare....only thing better than a Cera is Two!
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