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  1. Zingbuddah


    Just a quick report from the a used Digi with 2 out out 3 rubber feet missing and the the remaining one barely functional. Happy to report back that after a quick email to SB and two days passing, I've got happy feet back on and it sounds like its brand new!
  2. Zingbuddah

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    On that first pic the HT looks it a loose fit or is the stem tilted?
  3. Zingbuddah

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Wow...weird...I literally had the same thought process this morning. Everyone is in a wavelength lol...
  4. Zingbuddah


    Get the wear and tear has the o-ring, pads, screens and even a new brush. Just got one this week and it feels like a brands new Volcano. PSA: They don't add the air filters to that kit which is a...
  5. Zingbuddah

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Aldo....all that virgin leather surface on the inside of that flap is just BEGGIN' for some mission statement words of wisdom ala MFLB....just .02
  6. Zingbuddah

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Mondo....or Mongo **Edit....keeping in mind I just popped in and have zero idea what we are talking about....
  7. Zingbuddah

    Happy Turkey Day (US) FC Members!

    Just wanted to give a shout out to the US FC members celebrating a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Things I'm Thankful For: -Awesome FC Members -A Great FC Moderator Staff -Some pretty cool sales this week! What about you? (Yes, I know the truth vs fiction about this moaning, just...
  8. Zingbuddah

    The Magic-Flight Box

    My money says the destruction instructions (lol...say that five times fast) are updated to include destroying the two copper rails. On the other hand, I can say without a doubt that the MFLB with the tray does not work as well as the MD.
  9. Zingbuddah

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Just remember:
  10. Zingbuddah

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Seriously though...the Q with that 72 hour T-Brake method works wonders. Especially with daily vapers/tokers.
  11. Zingbuddah

    Rosin Technique....Easy DIY Solventless Click on the "Concentrates" tab then click "ctrl-f", type rosin and BAM....
  12. Zingbuddah

    Rosin Technique....Easy DIY Solventless

    Got my eBay digi-temp straightener, thanks again for the linkage. Pros (as compared to Conair wheel straightener) -Quicker to get to temp -Temp is within ~10 degrees of target -Plate assembly is MADE to throw tons of weight on it....I think I could get a steel pipe fulcrum operation going on...
  13. Zingbuddah

    DDave Mod, New DDave Mini Mod & Kit for Arizer EQ/VTower Vapes

    @DDave that would be an understatement! I just got mine in record time and it was packed unbelievably well. Nobody should be concerned and its nice to UNWRAP ALL THE THINGS!!! Great kit, good components and works better than the other pieces I had cobbled together for 3x the cost after you...
  14. Zingbuddah

    Rosin Technique....Easy DIY Solventless

    You beat me too it....although I've done around 18 different strains on a straightener and one one had limited yields, I get far more than what is shown in the vid....then again it does take some form as this isn't a strict science (yet) My thought is,'s Bubbleman, he isn't Flowerman...
  15. Zingbuddah

    Rosin Technique....Easy DIY Solventless

    Try $60 down south....looked like poo-poo too lol! I haven't seen wax/shatter dry up at all in the collectives, just relabeled to say closed loop. No issues at all with burning out or contaminating it in the 3-4 heads I've gone thru since learning the tech. Thanks again FC for being the...
  16. Zingbuddah

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Lol @VegNVape I just waltzed in to see if anyone else checked their email. I wouldn't mind getting that SEXY bottle as an add-on though! Gives a good excuse to collect a new set of glass!
  17. Zingbuddah

    Open Source Glass Thread

    Back up!
  18. Zingbuddah

    Open Source Glass Thread

    Anyone else able to access Stevenlmz79's page?
  19. Zingbuddah

    Open Source Glass Thread

    No issues with herb or debris in the piece. Other than having a few drops of water that you-just-can't-get-out, its actually a breeze to clean up. This is easier to clean that two other pieces that have a tree perc or splash guard.
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