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  1. thevapedcrusader

    Arizer Solo

    high everybody!? does rockwise or anyone ship this internationally? australia specifically? thanks
  2. thevapedcrusader

    Super-Turbo Charge Your Canna/ABV Butter

    got a batch in the oven right now trying this out. Could only find it in a granular form so i broke it up pushing it thru a sieve and added about 2-3 tablespoons into a batch of brownies. I got the recipe from a book called Mary Jane's Hash Brownies, Hot Pot and other Marijuana Munchies by Dr...
  3. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    high fuckers, Shadowvape, Mark et al. My vhw has been punished daily since they launched, with just the odd element replacement. I love it! Big greasy gusts of silly steam every single time. Dutch passion California orange,greenhouse cheese and next gen's grapefruit kush on high rotation...
  4. thevapedcrusader

    Best Dispensaries in SoCal.

    if my heart wasn't so full of love i would probably hate you all! Enjoy your freedom of choice! Bastards.
  5. thevapedcrusader

    Better Cannabudder?

    high again! Yeah heaps of filtered water so the butter can't burn and you can stir the brew easily. After straining and letting the butter set pour off the putrid water add fresh water melt and agitate, set and repeat. Basically water curing your butter after capturing maximum trichs and melted...
  6. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    ^ ^ ^ i was gonna say that! Eta- except for the bad apple joke!
  7. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued Incognito Vaporizer

    every time i listen to the new Beastie Boys song 'Non-stop disco power pack' i think of the IV+PPS! I think i need one, any problems with shipping to oz?
  8. thevapedcrusader

    Better Cannabudder?

    high nuphile!? I always use ghee to make cannabutter, its clarified butter in a tin. i find it makes a better tasting end product. after straining then setting and washing at least 3 times there is only the faintest herbal smell and fairly neutral taste. The latest batch of banana bread cupcakes...
  9. thevapedcrusader

    Making potent Baked goods.

    high everybody!? If you want to reclaim more butter have another pot of water simmering and place the strained and squeezed material ( like green hockey pucks if you use a ricer!) stir it around to liberate more butter from the plant material then strain again. Doesnt yield heaps but every bit...
  10. thevapedcrusader

    What to do with pile of herbs

    take a couple of handfuls and git some random acts of kindness goin! One man's trash is another man's treasure!
  11. thevapedcrusader

    What to do with pile of herbs

    gday all! If you have bubble bags or a pollinator id do a dry screening first before you do your alcho-wash.. I find trich dust(keif?) is heaps easier to handle and vape than solid or liquid extractions plus gettin to play with piles of powder reminds me of the good old bad old days! Peace and...
  12. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    i hate that i know this but you're both right! Stink did the whine-ey bit at the start and back up. Thanks for puttin that abomination in my head! anyway, hi Mr Monkey how bout sendin one down this way just to see how they travel.....
  13. thevapedcrusader

    New Vape Idea... Input Needed

    high again, what about a dynamo like the old hand crank flashlights? Still using our kinetic friend...portable aromed anyone?
  14. thevapedcrusader

    New Vape Idea... Input Needed

    what about a disposable one hitter type ting that uses a chemical reaction to create heat kinda like a glow stick when u break the lil glass vial inside... Pack it, crack it, toke it, trash it!
  15. thevapedcrusader

    New Vape Idea... Input Needed

    please pardon my stupidity, if im turning a handle for instance that is in turn rubbing against something to cause friction there is no kinetic energy involved? Back on topic, what about solar power, it'd be great if you don't like to vape at night!
  16. thevapedcrusader

    New Vape Idea... Input Needed

    high all, what about using kinetic energy and friction to create heat?
  17. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued Old City Diffusers

    happy holidays everyone! Hi Wes i sent an email regards shipping to Australia don't know if it got to u? Super keen to get one of these down here,especially since our dollar is soaring at the moment! i got a 220-110 step down transformer so power shouldn't be a problem..... Ill leave it with...
  18. thevapedcrusader

    Vapour clouds from log vapes

    :lol: ^^ "it's log, log, its big its heavy its wood, its log, log it's better than bad, it's good!"
  19. thevapedcrusader

    TPBM Game

    true enough that but they were tears of laughter cos it was that stoner commercial that someone posted earlier! TPBM hopes the cloud is out soon so TPAT can afford one before the ass falls out of the aussie dollar again!
  20. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    hi bio are you using the Vrip two part bowl? You will need that silicone ring in place to make a good seal if you are. Is the dial on the wand turned all the way up? If you replace the silicone give it a good stretch before u replace it. Good luck
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