New Vape Idea... Input Needed


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I've been looking at creating a good portable. When I say good, I mean one that I like. Butane, no good. Metal bowl sucks ass, breathing uncombusted butane isn't great (don't you fucking tell me it doesn't happen I will slap the shit out of you.) Battery powered runs out of power or doesn't get strong enough. I like my portables, but I just think they could be better. Or perhaps just a new one?

I've been looking at ways of heating without using electricity. After looking for a few hours I found an oldie but a goodie, hand warmers!! lol.

OK so have you ever heard of lighter fluid hand warmers? They work by using a platinum catalyst that needs to be replaced every so often. You fill the canister with lighter fluid that has cotton in it to absorb the fluid and the catalyst goes on top. You then heat the catalyst a bit using a flame and the rest of the process is flameless as the warmer gets hotter and hotter!

My questions:

What else is this tech used in besides hand warmers?

Could this be adapted in some way to create a flameless, weatherproof, portable vaporizer?

I basically need as much info on this as I can get so I can figure out a way to adapt the use.


Lost in Thought
Iolite comes to mind when I think of a technology like this.

And if you are concerned about butane (or uncombusted butane) look at the Lotus Clean Air Vaporizer.

Other than that - Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I've seen it but I'm looking for something thats NOT flame powered and NOT butane powered. Sorry if I didn't make that clear... The vapes I own are in my signature... I want to make one different than the ones I own. Thanks tho! ;)


Well-Known Member
g124v17y said:
OK so have you ever heard of lighter fluid hand warmers? They work by using a platinum catalyst that needs to be replaced every so often. You fill the canister with lighter fluid that has cotton in it to absorb the fluid and the catalyst goes on top. You then heat the catalyst a bit using a flame and the rest of the process is flameless as the warmer gets hotter and hotter!

Doesn't the Iolite kind of work on this principle?


Lost in Thought
And color me stupid, but wouldnt the burning of lighter fluid be dirtier than butane?


Technical Skeptical
sounds like oxidation, the same process that powers iron filled hand warmers. the drawbacks are that the fuel is used up, and not able to be recharged. in this case you would be able to add more fuel, sounds like a great idea, if you can reach 400F with it, i say put it to use.
this site lists a much lower max temp.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure Iwien... Maybe after I sift this idea down a bit I will end up with an iolite... which would explain why they chose to make it! lol...

I was just looking for other ways that this technology is used, so that I could refine this idea a bit more... The idea is to not BURN anything at all...

I was hoping for an exothermic reaction that could be created by, oh, idk, shaking the vape? possibly tapping it? have you ever seen those flashlights that you shake repeatedly to charge a capacitor that lights up an LED for a little? Something similar to that but requiring less effort and needs to get hotter... idk if this is possible thats why im posting here lol... all input is appreciated

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
Something similar to that but requiring less effort and needs to get hotter...

maybe a nuclear powered vape?

Here's a range of power requirements ... (i'm no physicist, but maybe you can do a conversion to figure out your ideal device) ... the PD uses 7 watts of power and takes 30 minutes to reach vape temp (380F) ... the Bud Toaster uses 70 watts of battery power and reaches vape temp (410F) in 30 seconds (and runs for an hour on a charge).
Hippie Dickie,


Well-Known Member
o0o0o0o! a nuclear powered portable sounds perfect! lmaoo

Thanks Hippie, I could use those numbers... what kind of battery does the bud toaster use if you dont mind me askin?

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
my every day vape is using two A123Systems 26650 cells in a series pack -- total of 6.6 vdc 2.3Ah. They can deliver 70 Amps continuous and recharge in 15 minutes at 10A. i'm testing the smaller version, the 18650 -- same power deliver, half the capacity.

i have a thread describing the Bud Toaster in the Vaporizer Discussion section:
Hippie Dickie,


Well-Known Member
oh I've read it... just can't keep up with all the updates! lol thanks Hippie, I'll look into it but my goal here is to create a vape with a chemical heat source that doesnt need to be charged up.... Perhaps iron oxidation to create heat.... could shake and bake! :p :brow: lol but you know what i mean? Idk if its possible to get the kind of heat we need to vaporize from iron oxidation.... my original post using lighter fluid and a platinum caty, probably wouldn't get hot enough, although extensive research has yet to be done, but the same priciple I BELIEVE is being used with the iolite (thanks iwien) they switched the lighter fluid for butane, and the platinum for whatever they use to increase the temperature to the desired temp... catalytic exothermic process without external flame... sounds like the iolite to me.... i think i'm just gunna take mine apart and see if I can create some sort of all glass vapor path/bowl... honestly the iolite is excellent for my use... i just hate the taste :/


Lvl. 420 Vaporist
You chastise the iolite for using butane, but then you wan't us to give you our opinions about a catalytic vaporizer that uses lighter fluid which I am certain produces much more harmful fumes. Butane and batteries aside, I own a zippo hand warmer with a catalytic converter mesh thing in it, their hard to refill, smell very strongly of lighter fluid, leak easily, and are impossible to light. IMO not a good idea for a vaporizer heat source. I know that may have been rough to shoot down your idea so fast, but it was partially because A) the idea isn't that great, and B) your post was somewhat obnoxious in referring to the iolite. How the hell would you not have a metal bowl with a lighter fluid powered catalyst, would you encase it in ceramic, I think not. The iolite is a FAIRLY reputable vape, and most tend to agree it is pretty safe, albeit finicky. I know I can't talk about weird vape idea as im the one who started the USB powered vape thread, but that probably has more merit than this, but I encourage you to prove me wrong!

Good luck, and maybe think less about chastising others, and more about working on your own design


Well-Known Member
LOL phish i encourage you to actually READ the posts before yours. My only complaint about the iolite is its use of metal, and my question was if anyone knew of OTHER technologies where the SAME principle is being implemented. IM NOT TALKING ABOUT USING LIGHTER FLUID. To say DUH is redundant enough. And also, as Iwien so nicely pointed out, the ioilte IS using the same principle, but to reach the temperatures required, the fuel source and catalyst needed to be changed.


I am talking about creating heat by using kinetic energy! Like a mini thermite reaction.... I really need to talk to a scientist about this.. lol...

What if you had a circle with a bowl in the middle of it. The circle is hollow and filled with some shavings of some chemical x. The GLASS bowl, would be sitting in a cylinder made out of chemical y. (vapor path to be figured out later, working on heating principle ATM) so the small amount of STUFF would go in the bowl and then you would cover the top so nothing falls out of it, and SHAKE! The kinetic reaction of chem x against chem y would generate heat and some other byproducts probably so the material would have to be changed every so often but it makes sense.... no?


Lvl. 420 Vaporist
Using kinetic energy to create a mini thermite reaction inside a chamber in order to achieve vaporization? Thermite burns thousands of times hotter than that, Im not trying to shoot down your idea, but it is pretty ridiculous. Kinetic energy relates to motion, so I think you may have your terminology mixed up. Overall your posts have been obnoxious, childish, and lack any substantiation and real facts, your idea is creative but poorly thought out. I have no malice or poor intent, but i needed to chime in. You have more than a thousand dollars in vapes, that's pretty surprising.

mod note: Please review the Rules page. There's no need to label someone's posts as obnoxious and childish.


Well-Known Member
PhishCactus said:
....Im not trying to shoot down your idea, but it is pretty ridiculous. Overall your posts have been obnoxious, childish, and lack any substantiation and real facts, your idea is creative but poorly thought out.

You're not trying to shoot down his idea?

PhishCactus said:
I have no malice or poor intent,

You don't?

PhishCactus said:
You have more than a thousand dollars in vapes, that's pretty surprising.

And what does this have to do with anything.

Phish, your post is loaded with insults and button pushing comments, and yet you say that you have no malice or poor intent and that you're not trying to shoot down his idea? What the hell....?


Lvl. 420 Vaporist
Your right I'm new here and probably shouldn't be creating enemies, Im not sure why I talked the way I did and for that I apologize, I didn't have poor intent, and yes I did shoot down his idea, but he was talking about a thermite powered vaporizer that uses "kinetic energy" so for my rudeness I apologize, but his original post about slapping people who questioned his views really got to me " (don't you fucking tell me it doesn't happen I will slap the shit out of you.) " and then I guess I felt the need to pick apart his idea, that was just asking to be picked apart, as it was lacking what I stated before. Sorry if i painted a bad picture of my personality as I didn't mean to, and am indeed a very realistic and logical person and perhaps I may have been somewhat rude.

Edit: By the last statement I guess I was saying I thought that someone with so many vapes would have a realistic idea about what can and can not, and what does and does not belong in a vaporizer.

And I wouldn't say my posts are saturated with insults...although they were difficult.

End of story


Lvl. 420 Vaporist
Ill help clear this up, friction would be one thing, and Im pretty sure I saw a friction powered vape somewhere along my travels, but kinetic energy is the energy that an object has because of its motion, which it can then transfer and release onto or into another object upon its impact, so in this sense, that is the wrong use of the word. There may be some merit for a friction powered vape, not sure about a thermite based vape however
please pardon my stupidity, if im turning a handle for instance that is in turn rubbing against something to cause friction there is no kinetic energy involved? Back on topic, what about solar power, it'd be great if you don't like to vape at night!


Lvl. 420 Vaporist
it's not stupidity! I could be wrong, but i am fairly certain my definition is correct which means that in the example you just provided energy would be provided by the FRICTION of the handle turning, seeing as there is no object put into motion at any time, even if their was, kinetic energy comes into play with bullets hitting people etc. the energy an object has behind it as it slams into something else


Well-Known Member
:rolleyes: Phish please stop. You obviously misunderstood the entire intent of this thread, so please just stop.

I am trying to collect information. I am not providing a finished idea for a vape and asking your opinion, I am simply trying to refine the idea in my head so that I MIGHT be able to create something new for the community that has given me so much.

You are not helping. When one thing rubs against another and creates heat, you are using kinetic energy and potential energy, not FRICTION energy, as there is no such thing. Friction creates heat, yes, using the principles of kinetic and potential energy to do so. NOT THAT THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING!!!!!! (Since I clearly described what I was talking about with a shake-to-heat style vape, what does it matter if either of us is wrong or right about this 2nd grade science definition?)

Hence you are not helping.

I am throwing ideas out there, that might be able to, in some way, be ADAPTED to work with a vaporizer. If you don't find the information useful or helpful to you thats fine, stop reading, no offense, but I can care less what you think.


In case anyone was wondering I was a pyrotechnician for a while, so I have a good understanding of what Thermite is. And again, I wasn't saying you should USE thermite for the reaction (as fireworks would blow your hand off), I was saying something LIKE a thermite reaction. (As in two metals that when they collide, make heat!) I will do as much research as I can, when I can, but again any help would be appreciated as I know this info exists on a long difficult chart somewhere.

Thanks Iwien.

YES! thats what I'm talking about! Well, friction is one thing, my first idea was to turn a wheel with a knob that would have two rough surfaces that would need to be replaced every so often... But then my brain turned a page and I sort of dropped that idea... Feel free to try and refine the idea though! I just thought it would be to big to be a decent portable... take to long to get the heat to the right temp... or maybe not idk! lol :p

P.S. Phish, try to remember first and foremost on this forum that we are all stoners. So take things like "(don't you fucking tell me it doesn't happen I will slap the shit out of you.)" AS A JOKE, before you assume that malice was the intention behind it.

Love and Peace... Out ;)

mod note: We don't assume everyone gets derogatory humor here, so don't expect staff to take it as such.
what about a disposable one hitter type ting that uses a chemical reaction to create heat kinda like a glow stick when u break the lil glass vial inside... Pack it, crack it, toke it, trash it!

gettin lifted

love how many of these posts are not on topic and are of people getting butt hurt over what's supposed to be an idea collaboration thread.
gettin lifted,


Well-Known Member
@gettin lifted
love how you add to it bro! :p :lol:

i like that idea crusader... have you seen the liquid hand warmers? the ones where you snap a disc and the liquid crystalizes and instantly becomes hot? Perhaps you could use similar tech in a disposable vape? Using this tech doesn't mean its disposable actually, because you can boil the bag to make it a liquid again and then resnap the disc whenever to create the reaction... so maybe this could be used in other ways also? Hmmmmm..... :ko:

EDIT: Imagine vape papers or blunt wraps... a one time use solution for vaporizing! haha :brow:


Lost in Thought
I think I get what he meant about the kinetic energy thing - 2 substances that are potential energy sources but benign by themselves. You combine them and viola - they create energy. The only issue I see with this is it would be a one time deal per vape session. (Kind of like the heating pads) This would be a neat idea (similar to the disposable e-cigs) but I think technology, and the demand of the market hasnt taken us to this point yet.

But good on ya for thinking outside the box!
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