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  1. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    ok then could you use a weaker battery or retard th power to ensure no blackening or burnt popcorn taste or the need to fuck around with technique too much. Im pretty sure if this thing is capable of burning which they are now stating it is then it can produce smoke.. Durr
  2. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    could you use a smaller (weaker) battery or somehow retard the power to ensure no scorching? The shit doesnt have to actually burst into flames to produce filthy smoke instead of vapor.
  3. thevapedcrusader

    Guilt... Why Do I Feel It When Using Cannabis?

    hey Ven, my :2c: , yes you are believing the media hype and to a degree it is true......smoking is bad :mad: ...VAPING the sacred tree otoh is very very good! :) . and dont forget that guilt didnt exist til it was invented by the church to keep us all from thinkin fer ourselves.. my advice...
  4. thevapedcrusader

    What would you change on the Iolite and why?

    my :2c: < bear in mind that this is my 2cents australian, dunno how that stacks against the greenback or euro :lol: i too agree with those esteemed gentlemen max and cd, my biggest "want " is more airflow and more time for the intake air to be heated(spiral or rifled air intake "sleeve"...
  5. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    ya big teaser!
  6. thevapedcrusader

    What is the best tasting stuff youve ever vaped

    greenhouse seed co. White widow,(floral lemon taste) big budda's Chiesel, and Cheese, the chiesel cures to taste like apricot jam the cheese i cant really describe but 2 say delicious. Barney's farm Sweet tooth is like candy, crazy sweet with just a hint of something like nectar. There are in no...
  7. thevapedcrusader

    My experience with the VHW.

    hi noia sorry mate dunno how 2 post links but its definately there now.peace
  8. thevapedcrusader

    My experience with the VHW.

    :Dhi all ive just put a lil' vid on u tube. I dunno how to do that fancy link insertion shit so i think you can just search vhw magic wand if u wanna see it..
  9. thevapedcrusader

    VHW not getting hot enough?

    try turning clockwise(coolest setting) then 3 hash marks (mmmmm hash...) counterclockwise (getting warmer..)
  10. thevapedcrusader

    My experience with the VHW.

    hello fuckers(of combustion and otherwise) id like to start by offering my best wishes and condolences to the poor bastards who lost loved ones, lives and livelihoods in th recent victorian bushfires. im sure that they, even more than us, are saying FUCK COMBUSTION right about now. On a lighter...
  11. thevapedcrusader

    VHW not getting hot enough?

    :ninja: :peace:
  12. thevapedcrusader

    Iolite vaporiser

    :lol: i-i captain! Brilliant!
  13. thevapedcrusader

    Headaches when vaping

    hi have u been hittin the same batch o weed the whole time? I always flush mine thoroughly but i vaped some I got from a friend that hadn't been flushed(the weed not the friend!) and got a bad headache...
  14. thevapedcrusader

    Iolite vaporiser

    thanks for the speedy reply Team II- email's on its way.
  15. thevapedcrusader

    Iolite vaporiser

    gday all! I purchased two ii's from, one is fine(awesome actually... mmm vaked mountainbiking!) th piezo has been iffy on the other and now it has failed entirely... Should i contact vapefiend or ii regards warranty? Thanks
  16. thevapedcrusader

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    gday from all the way downunder i think the term you're looking for is "vaptised" or "vaptism"! And if i was the Pope id live at the Vaptagain! Oh btw its gonna take heaps longer to get my vhw than any o you poor wee lambs!
  17. thevapedcrusader

    DBV Hands Free

    hi stonemonkey cant answer your q but just wanted to say thanks for your opinions on the i-inhale- Mark at vriptech speaks highly of you so i thought id trust your words and this thing rips! just wondering if you find it doesnt draw very well tho? im trying to increase airflow, any suggestions...
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