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  1. audiodelic

    Vaporizing Hash

    yes im doing a similar thing with my pressed charas, break it into smallest balls as possible and putting it straight in my buddha. Then i get nice hits the taste lasts mainly in the first two to three hits once the wand heats up for a bit i get two or three...
  2. audiodelic


    Is the VG good for hashish/charas ? Planning on getting one for portable use but does it work well with hand pressed hashish/charas ?
  3. audiodelic

    Vaporizing Hash

    im planning on buying a VG for outdoor/portable use. Is the VG well suited for hash hits ? Also wondering for majorly hashish/charas what should be my second electronic one .... SSV ? How much different is the SSV from Da Buddha ? Or should i be looking at any other one ?
  4. audiodelic

    Best/Ideal vaporizer for hashish

    So which is the best and ideal vaporizer exclusively for use with hashish and charas ? I know hot knives works well but i want to vaporize even in hot knives you can see thick grey smoke. Ideas please ..... :peace: modnote: You've asked this question...
  5. audiodelic

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Have you tried it ? Which is a good portable vaporizer which can be used for hashish ?
  6. audiodelic

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I presently own da buddha but i am looking for a nice portable vaporizer for outdoor, the MF LB looks to be efficient and budget friendly. I am vaporizing hashish, hand pressed sticky hash. Is this unit going to be suitable for use with hashish ? This is what i plan to vape ...
  7. audiodelic

    Vaporizing Hash

    the hash is pretty nice india is world famous for it after all ..... but what you should be jealous of is the price here, i pay around $10 for about 10 grams of this stuff and you obviously imagine know how long 10 grams of hash with a vape would last ..... :peace::D:peace:
  8. audiodelic

    Vaporizing Hash

    Nice to see such an active forum firstly ....... :D This is exactly what im vaporizing .... But vaping has been awesome when i used to smoke the night before i would get a bad burn out the next morning with vaping im fresh as a bird in the morning. The...
  9. audiodelic

    Vaporizing Hash

    i own da buddha and have been vaporizing hashish ( charas as we call it in india, google it you will find enough information ) ...... Now my question is what is the ideal temperature / knob position for vaporizing hashish ? How can i tell when the all the thc has vaporized since hashish is...
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