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  1. audiodelic

    What do you do when you're vaked?

    Play ps3 while listening to psychedelic trance or psychedelic chillout. :brow::ko::D
  2. audiodelic

    Da Buddha

    @steiner666: that stand idea is awesome if implemented im sure present dbv users would be jumping on it as it would give them the advatages the ssv has.
  3. audiodelic

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    thanks for that diagram stonemonkey, design looks sweet and very versatile. now i can see how different bowls are a compatible with this vape, i will definitely need the single hitter bowl precisely for using pressed hash or for that matter any kind of hash as it would be more concentraation of...
  4. audiodelic

    The Picture Thread

    some real pictures from a psytrance festival i recently attended Audio + Visual Nirvana as i term it :o:brow::ko::peace:
  5. audiodelic

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    hey thanks for the diagram now i understand much better and it actually looks quite badass if that is the actual design with two screens and all. @stonemonkey : please confirm that the bowl is like described in the diagram
  6. audiodelic

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Checked out the vid about 5 times trying to figure out where exactly the herb chamber is ..... waiting for the picture, im very inquisitive to know where exactly the herb sits ? Im guessing the chamber is in the female wand end part of the hydra tube ?
  7. audiodelic

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Yes im wondering the same where exactly does the herb go ?
  8. audiodelic

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    looks awesome .... waiting for the 220V version ......
  9. audiodelic

    Remember when you got your first vape ?

    My first vape was bc vaporizer which would very much burn then herb. Then i tried a conventional wooden box type vape at a friends who used to work in a bong shop. I was impressed but not enough to go out and buy one. After some years reading about all the health benefits i was again looking...
  10. audiodelic

    How Much Do You Pay For Bud?

    In canada i was paying around $10 for a gram, $220 for an oz of AAAA quality bud, namely jamaican sugar, hempstar, green crack etc. $180 for an oz of regular weed which they call china bud in canada. In India, For Ganja(low quality weed) im paying $5 for half an ounce approximately. I am...
  11. audiodelic

    Da Buddha

    Just read the thread on different chemicals beings released at different temperatures while vaping. i want to know whether if anyone has an approximate temperature scale for da buddha knob from start point to alll the way up. so that we can have some kind of reference as to where to set the...
  12. audiodelic

    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    Nice read .... what about a vaporizer like da buddha? Does anyone have an approximate temperature scale of the knob from start point to alll the way up. so that we can have some kind of reference as to where to set the knob at to get approximately close to a particular temperature ?
  13. audiodelic


    Epic creation rin101 congrats ..... potheads are so innovative when it actually has something to do with the pot itself :lol:
  14. audiodelic

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    @stonemonkey55 : can this be used with pressed hash also ? i believe verdamper is good for resinous does the same apply to the Vapexhale ?
  15. audiodelic


    Yes its been using up my lighters rather quickly, but shouldn't really complain a regular lighter here is costing me 0.25 cents :D
  16. audiodelic

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    I am also hoping it can be used with pressed hashish and not only bud.
  17. audiodelic


    Not really clogging it but you need to clean it every now and then definitely more regularly than bud i guess.
  18. audiodelic


    Finally learned how to use the VG correctly, yesterday i was able to extract huge rips of vapor from an average size bowl of hash. My portable vaporizer concerns are now fulfilled. :brow::ko:
  19. audiodelic


    Received my VG, this device is pretty good merely for its ultimate portability. Im using only hash in the bowl piece without any bud and it seems to be working pretty good when i actually light it correctly. There is a bit of a learning curve to using this pipe though. With a lighter its easier...
  20. audiodelic

    Please help with choosing suitable size of water adapter

    Guys i want to get water filtration for my buddha. Since i live in India, Asia i plan to buy a bong here locally and would need to order a glass on glass water adapter from ssv or some other website. Here is the local bong website,
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