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  1. axakal


    and after all that you still are able to type sentences that make sense? you sir, really are the man! :D
  2. axakal


    i don't even want to imagine the ammount of cash you could've burned through back in your combustion days, when you're able to vape 4g a day. :D considering how efficent vaping is in comparison to smoking. a low tolerance is really a blessing. :)
  3. axakal


    i'd definitelly go with the classic in your case. so many sessions in a row could be a little too much to take for an unprotected basic. but it's only my personal opinion. i'm with @Mr Mellish here, the torch is a more likely point of failure. but you can still juggle several in a long session...
  4. axakal


    as far as i've learned from reading around here, there is no noticeable difference in terms of vapor quality. and the quality of the basic is top notch. :)
  5. axakal


    the are some people from down under around here. i'm confident, they can help you. what about ordering directly from switzerland? no tax mark-up for the first import through the seller, so you have only to pay the taxes once and i'm sure Rene can offer a reasonable shipping option.
  6. axakal


    welcome to the club. if by kitchen torch you mean one of those you use to make creme brulee with, the consense seems to be to avoid them. the flame could be too big and potentially damage your precious vapman. why risk it. :) just wait for the Deal Extreme lighters to arrive, if you can't source...
  7. axakal

    Discontinued The Okin by D.M. Pipes

    did you already have the chance to check out, if size really matters? :)
  8. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    yes, that's were i saw the vap2 and at verdampftnochmal.
  9. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    they do. some stores in Europe sell the vap 2.0 , but my uneducated guess is, they will not have the latest model right from the start.
  10. axakal

    Vaponic Herbal Vaporizer

    turns out, the pen cap can be used as an emergency abv container for a couple of used loads.
  11. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0 - don't know, if they're final though.
  12. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    call me superficial, but i love the blue lights. :)
  13. axakal

    The Magic-Flight Box

    all is relative, i'd say. when it's your only vape, a back-up mflb definitely doesn't hurt. when you have a small collection of vapes, you can survive the waiting time for the replacement unit by giving some stage time to your other devices. magic flight's customer serivce is top notch anyway...
  14. axakal

    Discontinued The Okin by D.M. Pipes

    i belive, the list will reopen after he completes the first 50. but you probably get on the notification list for the second batch when you PM Dan.
  15. axakal

    Discontinued The Okin by D.M. Pipes

    since you asked, my is in the first 10 and is on its way. it will probably take a couple of weeks until i can report its safe landing.
  16. axakal

    Athlete Vaporists?

    this is a really inspirational and informative thread. althought i've only read a couple of pages so far, but the rest will follow. it actually inspired me to hike the 100km 24h Dodentocht march next year. it's almost a year from now and a lot can happen, but it's definitely on my
  17. axakal

    Discontinued The Okin by D.M. Pipes

    get that coffee table book published already! :)
  18. axakal


    i've been entertaining the thought of getting myself a glass tube with a 14 joint attached in 90°, resembling an opium pipe. what length should i go for? the intended effect is to let the pipe make the vapor less harsh on my throat by cooling it and hence allowing for bigger hits as a benefit...
  19. axakal

    Vaponic Herbal Vaporizer

    more or less. i used a short piece of a silicon whip for a thighter sealing. for a more elegant solution a gong joint from an old magic flight wp adapter.
  20. axakal

    Vaponic Herbal Vaporizer

    bonus points for a relatively easy use with a bong. :)
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