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  1. axakal


    yesterday i had the vapman with me at a nice garden party at the Rhine river. summer heat was in the air, it was an enjoyable evening. one guy recognized the vapman and we started talking and when i mentioned Rene and how he became mr. vapman, there i realized, how great the FC community is...
  2. axakal


    the way i see it, the pocket only wants to show us, that there is more to life than only VAS, because it knows the dangers of temptation. :)
  3. axakal


    dethroning sounds so final. :) the majority of us is polyvaporous anyway, so why bother with conservative models of relationships. there is room for many vaporizers in my heart. :)
  4. axakal


    amen to that, man. :) when i forget about it for a couple of weeks, just one bowl reminds me of the punch the vapman is able to deliver. i am as amazed everytime as if it was the first. :)
  5. axakal

    Dynavap VapCap

    says the man, who almost singlehandedly sparked the interest for the lotus around these parts. :) that thread was more or less dormant, until you started to post there.
  6. axakal

    Dynavap VapCap

    one is older than me, but your formula works anyway. :)
  7. axakal

    Dynavap VapCap

    i hear you, that's why i'll probably buy the original Vapcap as a birthday gift for my little brother. he might test it(with my involvement, of course), while i patiently wait for the fancy models to be finalized. :) which got me thinking, i actually could use all my brothers as guinea pigs. :D
  8. axakal

    Dynavap VapCap

    @VapCap keeps throwing ideas of future models around, so i can't up my mind yet. :) first i was sold on TiWood, then intrigued with adding the future interchangeble glass tube to the Ti-tip, now the all-Ti model with a possible Ti inner tube comes into the mix. decisions. decisions. :) read the...
  9. axakal


    i still love mine. :)
  10. axakal

    Dynavap VapCap

    discovered this thread tottally by accident and feeling VAS taking the best of me, especially the wood/ti combo looks enticing. reading this thread already starts to feel like cheating on my vapman after a perfect session yestereday. i find myself dirty and guilty already. :) the video looks...
  11. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    i remember to see double female adapters somewhere. this way one could hook connect it to a watertool via whip. i will surely try it with the orbiter.
  12. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    thanks a lot. i completely forgot it was in the video. but then again, i only watched it once or twice in order not to get unnecessarily crazy before the final model comes out. :)
  13. axakal

    Discontinued The Okin by D.M. Pipes

    will the Okins actually carry the production number somewhere? :) always liked it on my mflb, even if it appears to be a random number in that case.
  14. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    that sweet hydro bowl though. i would definitely like to see a vid of the hydrotube in use.
  15. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    judging by the color, the vap3 is a tactical vaporizer. :)
  16. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    for many fans, one of the stronger points of vapolution is the taste, provided by an all glass airpath. bags would kind of ruin this experience but you could help yourself by building a vapor lung. should work like a charm.
  17. axakal

    The Magic-Flight Box

    i must have confused the sizes somehow. you can't fit the magic flight abv container in the 0.29l container. the handle of the brush is also a little too long. but the 0.29l container still holds the box itself, 4 batteries, your mouthpieces and your green suplies. my previous test was probably...
  18. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    probably just in time for christmas. :)
  19. axakal

    The Magic-Flight Box

    if you don't care for a rectangular shape, i accidendtally found out, that those tightvac containers could be practical. i only have the 0.29l container and it easily fits the box, batteries mouthpiece, brush a baggy with herbs, the standard issue abv container and there is still some room left...
  20. axakal

    The Magic-Flight Box

    i may be wrong, but the quick heat-up in combination with a possibility, to hide it completely in your hand while in use, is yet to be achieved by another units. regarding portability, vampan is pretty tiny too, but not as easy to hit unnoticed. i'm almost completely sure, that other vaporizers...
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